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Status Replies posted by Twoftmama

  1. Is sick and going back to bed. Tessa is in charge till I feel human. Y'all behave!

  2. 2000 posts and I was even on the ball enough to see it happen. X)

  3. <-- Is never going to get caught up here.

  4. can't sleep, oh what trouble can I get into.

  5. Has a big decision to make. *moons Asylum*

  6. Just realized that I have never tried spam before. Shake is correcting this as I type though.

  7. I napped yesterday and slept all night! Feel awake for the first time in ages.

  8. May have just scored a nice find - for the past two days there's been box of infant clothes in my buildings "lobby" area. No one's moved or taken it, so I figured I would since I got baby on the way. Gonna just hang on to it for a couple days or so to make sure no one puts up a note looking for it, but if no one does, all I can say is "SCORE" haha.

  9. Has a big decision to make. *moons Asylum*

  10. Runs naked through the nuthouse.

  11. I learned my Lesson well

  12. *sheepishly waves hi to the naughty people*

  13. I cant believe I'll finally be meeting little man in 3 weeks! Its gone by so fast!

  14. I learned my Lesson well

  15. Babysitting is fun, but I cannot come to the Asylum with a 7 year old cuddled up next to me. It's just not safe!

  16. Babysitting is fun, but I cannot come to the Asylum with a 7 year old cuddled up next to me. It's just not safe!

  17. Father time hit on me.I hoped for the minute hand, expected the hour hand.I got the second hand.

  18. my niece's first birthday party just turned into a shit show worthy of an episode of cops, lord help me this family is going to be the death of me.

  19. seriously considering giving up Sims and waiting until All EPs have been released and Sims 4 starts being in the works.I just really am getting sick of having to delete combined packages that took hours to make, because something in there is breaking my game.*sigh*

  20. Can hardly see until tomorrow, will be a boring day. Gah!

  21. loves all her fellow inmates. And wants chocolate, but that's another issue entirely.

  22. I'm baaack! Didja miss me, huh, didja? LOL

  23. Not looking forward to Patch day .

  24. Getting ready for graduation.

  25. Getting ready for graduation.

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