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Everything posted by Twoftmama

  1. “For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.”

    1. tessalion13
    2. Twoftmama


      I can't remember who said it, but I love it!

    3. Wolfenblu
  2. Going to get some work done. *yuck* Be back soon!

    1. Firestaar1


      See you when you get back TFM

  3. Is going to dreamland. See you in the morning!

    1. Nellas
    2. Firestaar1


      NN hopefully I'll be following soon

  4. Taking a short break! Be back soon!

    1. Firestaar1


      Hurry back my friend

  5. Cold and rainy is sad. :(

  6. Night All!

    1. Firestaar1


      Night TFM I'll be heading that way soon as well

    2. TwistedSister
  7. Needs a break! Be back soon!

    1. Firestaar1


      Totally don't blame you! Took a break myself to have supper with the family, then drenchfest lol

  8. Time to go sleepy bye bye! Night!

  9. .Put another dime in the jukebox baby.

  10. Heading to bed! Night all!

    1. MasterSephiroth


      The voice in my head keeps telling me to jump in with you. *le gasps*

    2. Twoftmama
  11. Good Morning Inmates! How goes it?

    1. Firestaar1


      Good morning head inmate

    2. Orilon


      Good morning. Tired and sore as usual. My back problems are acting up, not from anything fun.

    3. tessalion13


      Good afternoon! Sneaking a look at work :)

  12. Heading to bed! Sweet dreams!

    1. Firestaar1
    2. MasterSephiroth


      *quickly suppresses an urge, then hides*

  13. Takes a deep breath and forges on.

    1. ditzie1


      Hang in there, sweetie! It will get better.

    2. Twoftmama


      Oh it's great! I'm just tired. lol

  14. Good Morning Inmates! What's for breakfast?

  15. *is heading to bed* See y'all in the morning!

  16. Where's my head? Have you seen my head?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Twoftmama


      My bert flipped me off and ran. xD Think our berts are togethere?

    3. Firestaar1


      Probably! It's a conspiracy!

    4. tessalion13


      They're off having a nice relaxing drink without us!

  17. Good morning!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      I'll let you know if it's good, after I have my coffee.

    3. Firestaar1


      Still working on my coffee Rose, and it's almost 4 pm here

    4. TwistedSister


      I hope morning was good, I slept in and missed it. xD

  18. It's bedtime for this Bozo. See y'all in the morning! Nite Nite!

    1. Nellas
    2. Firestaar1


      NN TFM have a great night

    3. tessalion13


      We'll try not to break it while you're sleeping :)

  19. Overslept! Gah! Alarm clock (husband) didn't wake me up because I looked warm. GAH!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tessalion13


      I agree with Fire, so cute!

    3. Nellas


      awwww! you are behind but how sweet. I got woke up by cold little kid hands.

    4. Twoftmama


      It was very sweet, especially since I've been burning the candle at both ends. I just couldn't be mad at him.

  20. Turns around, drops pants, and moons the asylum.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. tessalion13


      Yay a cute moon! Much better than my 60 yr old uncle who moons the family when he's pisssed. *blech*

    3. Cohzaku


      tempted to poke it, but Isz stole my thunder

    4. Firestaar1


      **Grabs the leather and gives the heiny a gentle smack**

  21. Going to eat. Be back soooooooon!

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