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Status Updates posted by Firestaar1

  1. Is not feeling too well- damn changing weather and sinuses acting up anyway. Off to curl up on couch to read and sleep

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Twoftmama


      I hope you feel better soon! *hug*

    3. Firestaar1


      Thank you all, unfortunately I'm not feeling too much better, but I will be

    4. Loralie0512


      I hope you're feeling better!

  2. Where'd the weekend go?

    1. Dzaka


      *Steals Firestaar weekend and runs away with it laughing*

    2. BoilingOil


      It went into history, Fire.

    3. Firestaar1


      **trips Dzaka and tries to take weekend back** Well darn looks like you were right BO **watches weekend fade away**

  3. Is it Friday yet?

    1. Wolfofthenyght


      Now it is :D Whooo! Fridaaay!

  4. Decided to read my book instead, then off to bed

  5. Woohoo!! 3 Day weekend!

    1. tessalion13


      I know, so excited!

    2. Nyxie


      I am so lucky, my son's school scheduled a teacher inservice day today, we get a 4 day weekend and two 4 day weeks!

    3. Firestaar1


      Oh wow that is very lucky Nyxie!

  6. It's too dang cold. Need someone to warm me up!

    1. tessalion13


      I'll let you borrow the garfield cat currently inhabiting my lap, he's quite warm and cuddly.

    2. Firestaar1
  7. Finally got all my TS3 stuff moved, now to work on my TS2 and then I get to play in everyone elses section

  8. **rolls sleeves up and prepares to move more stuff** Oh look, new content.wanders off

    1. tessalion13
    2. Twoftmama


      You tired of moving boxes yet? I am. *giggles*

    3. Firestaar1


      LOL yes I am and haven't got near as much as you! But I'm almost done with my sims YAY!!

  9. **rolls sleeves up and prepares to move more stuff** Oh look, new content :D

  10. Good morning all my fellow inmates!

  11. Feels totally worn out even after a nap earlier

  12. Where to start- story, catching up, or posting more sims?

  13. Need to get my rear in gear and do more posting, instead of reading lol

    1. Twoftmama


      You're a poet and didn't know it. *giggles*

    2. Firestaar1
  14. Finally got all my TS3 houses posted- now back to work on posting sims

  15. **Looks at sims still needing to upload, and houses, shakes head** Need more coffee

  16. "Tried to sleep all snug in my bed, but visions of uploading sims danced in my head"

  17. Now breaking out the alcohol- for one very WEAK crown and pepsi

  18. 13 sims uploaded- 53 more to go **YIKES**

  19. Been a busy bee moving stuff over, and feel like I've hardly even begun LOL

    1. Twoftmama
    2. Firestaar1


      Thank you!! I'm glad cause it still feels like I have barely begun LOL

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