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Status Updates posted by Katelinjens

  1. I am excited about winning third place in the contest but a bit sad because my cat had to go to the vet today. Katie has kidney disease which treatment is going pretty good. However I knew last night something wasn't right. Poor cat has a bladder infection as well as some kind of intestional infection. I have to give her 3 pills a day for 10 days now. It is hard enough to get ONE pill down her but THREE every day? I will manage somehow. I just want her to get to feeling better so she can.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Katelinjens


      I have cat nip. Crush pill into food? I should see if I have any tuna. That is the only people food she is allowed once in a while. Should give it a try. Thanks!

    3. Cabelle


      Does she eat treats? There are these pill pocket treats that sometimes work with cats. They're made by Feline Greenies. Though cats are super smart and ornery so she might eat around the treat and spit out the pill.

    4. Katelinjens


      I never heard of pill pocket treats. With her kidney disease she is on a pretty strick diet. I could check in to those treats though. Thanks!

  2. What happened to my ability to say no?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Katelinjens


      Should I even ask why?

    3. doren


      You may find a thing or two, or three or.

    4. Katelinjens


      That is of course what I thought. Sims always need new things. Wait - what AM I saying?

  3. Chili has been simmering several hours now. Just made the cornbread and put it in the oven. I think I am going to have a good dinner. Anyone hungry?:)

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Katelinjens


      Everyone is always welcome. The chili and cornbread turned out really good.If only we could just transport to each other to visit and share great meals and other things!

    3. Chicken0895


      It' s ok, I'm still alive and uneaten. The chili and corn bread sounds good though.

    4. Katelinjens


      Glad to hear you are OK Chicken0895! There are leftovers today - of chili and cornbread of course! :)

  4. Our Weatherman told us last night that we haven't had rain for 39 straight days. I guess the light 10 minutes I saw here one day did NOT get to much of town! We have had the smoke for 42 days. Folks we sure could use some rain here! :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Katelinjens


      Shonie, Forgot to mention I live in Missoula MT so we are probably getting smoke from some of the same areas!

    3. Katelinjens


      Supposed to rain today. Keeping positive thoughts!

    4. jvrd12


      don't abandon hope, Kate! I'm sure it'll rain there soon. :)

  5. Wish someone could send us some rain! We have hadvery little rain here in Western Montana and LOTS of smoke due to fires. I must stay inside most of the time. I am praying for rain to put out the fires and clear the air so I can go outside some. This has been going on for WEEKS now.:( Guess it is time to do a rain dance again and hope it works this time!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Katelinjens


      Our forecast now has rain possible for tomorrow and Tuesday. I sure hope that they are right and we get a LOT!

    3. nixicole


      Those fires would terrify me! I hope nobody is in danger. Add klutzy me to your raindance!

    4. Katelinjens


      Thanks nixicole! I am hoping we will get some rain today. Scattered showers are a better forecast than nothing! The fires themselves aren't super close but they are causing harm where they are so I pray they can be put out soon! Rain Dance better work!

  6. Nothing like a medical emergency to mess up your life for a while.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Katelinjens


      Thank you jenniferw. *hug*

    3. Katelinjens


      Well the sun was shinning a bit today. Still when I opened the door to go get the mail I could smell the smoke. At least it is less and we haven't gotten anymore ash since Tuesday. The rain WILL arrive,. Just wish it arrived yesterday! Still having some sun means some smoke has cleared out!:)

    4. jvrd12


      that's awesome! I'm glad. :)

  7. Hey it is 91 here and it was supposed to rain with a Thunder Storm and cool things off and clear the air! Where did the rain and storm go?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. jjab73


      Its bitter sweet.we need the rain too, just not the terrifying, OMG that hit right across the street, streaks of lightning. LOL But then again, I do live in the lightening capital of the US! Random Trivia Fact: I thought we were the lightning capital of the world, but that dubious honor goes to Rwanda, Africa, of all places.

    3. Katelinjens


      Not fun at all. I did see Lightning strike across the street once. I was at work. Our building shook and the flash of lightning was so bright. The building across the street was immediately smoke and flames. Luckily no-one was hurt. Do NOT want to see that again.:(

    4. jjab73


      That was lucky!

  8. I'm Back! I just got back earlier today. I had a wonderful 15 day vacation with friends in Alaska. Now I need to update to 1.34 patch and update any mods that need to be and then see if my saved games work! I missed my Sims!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Katelinjens


      I did Blue- Thanks. Now it is back to the "normal" routine.

    3. Rosewin


      Welcome back Kate.

    4. Katelinjens


      Thanks Rosewin :)

  9. Just had to say I reached 500 in Posts! I have never done this anywhere before. Can't believe it. Now it is a LONG "struggle" to the next level. With all the neat threads here maybe I will make it one day!:)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rosewin


      Congrats Kate!

    3. Nirar22


      How exciting! Congrats! :D

    4. Katelinjens


      It is for me. Now to see how long this next one takes.:)

  10. I have been up for 32 hours now. Isn't that too much? I hope I can sleep soon because I have a doctor appointment at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow to see how the siatica is healing.

  11. This computer is dying and I am sad. I pray it will work until a new one can be built. Need my sim families!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Katelinjens
    3. Firestaar1


      Hope it holds out for you Katelinjens **hugs**

    4. Katelinjens


      Thanks Firestaar1. I am going to try to play TS3 now.Might as well cause if it goes then it would have gone tomorrow:(

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