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Status Replies posted by Nellas

  1. My wallet was stolen today. Everything is gone, my bank cards, my identity card, my busticket, the money that was inside. I hate pick pockets.

  2. *eyes forum* You just ate my new thread. I am not happy with you.

  3. That awkward moment when you load a house to show off your sims to company and there are 2 sims tied up, and orgy in the hottub and a naked pregnant teen walking around @.@

  4. That awkward moment when you load a house to show off your sims to company and there are 2 sims tied up, and orgy in the hottub and a naked pregnant teen walking around @.@

  5. It's all platinum and shiny. *pets it*

  6. That awkward moment when you load a house to show off your sims to company and there are 2 sims tied up, and orgy in the hottub and a naked pregnant teen walking around @.@

  7. Nobody saw nothing!

  8. The mom that has always went out of her way to criticize me had a dead battery in the pick up line, guess who the only mom with jumper cables happened to be? She admitted that she did not think I would help her, I just smiled and told her that there was so much more to me than what she thinks she knows and then I got her car started.

  9. Work event included free wine from a local winery. Now do I sim or do I find something not online to do with my tipsy self.

  10. Its just one of those morning where coffee just aint enough!

  11. Cleaning up sims is very time consuming :/

  12. Hiding my chocolate bars in the nasty cough drop bag has been my best plan ever!

  13. Hiding my chocolate bars in the nasty cough drop bag has been my best plan ever!

  14. Well, I see it is just going to be one of 'those' mornings

  15. Well, I see it is just going to be one of 'those' mornings

  16. I got the job! *faints*

  17. I don't know what to do today. Do I want to play Sims 2,3 or 4? Oh the decisions!

  18. Maintenance guy locked one of our cats in the garage for 6 hours.I am not a happy camper.

  19. I fell into a tub of busy, I will try to check in here, not sure when my next chapter will be.

  20. >.> Finally have time to play and TS2 won't load. Just a bit put out.

  21. Anyone familiar with the Spider Bite drink? Is it potent?

  22. Anyone familiar with the Spider Bite drink? Is it potent?

  23. Anyone familiar with the Spider Bite drink? Is it potent?

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