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About InsaneInTheBrain

  • Birthday June 9

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  • Interests
    Writing, crochet, Sims
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    In a dark corner, playing with my voodoo dolls.
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    Donated To Sims Asylum

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  1. Lovely, I recieved World Adventures today, no manual or product key. Does me no good.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Wolfenblu


      Yes they were new

    3. RedMallie


      I have used Amazon for well over 15 years. Originally, all products sold there were from their own distribution centers. I have never had a problem with their new original products from their own centers. Mind you, since I do not live in the U.S., international commerce law only allows me to import books and music CDs this way. More recently Amazon opened their systems to allow for third party sellers, which could offer new or used products. I have only bought a few used books that were out o.

    4. InsaneInTheBrain


      I usually have good experiences with Amazon, just the last couple times haven't been that great.

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