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Status Updates posted by InsaneInTheBrain

  1. I think it is a Simming sort of day!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. InsaneInTheBrain


      I have to get caught up on the forum also, I am soooooo behind!

    3. Nellas


      A simming type of day sounds great!

    4. RedMallie


      Hope you've had a great Simming time!!

  2. Not sure if my computer can handle it, but I just went on another major dowloading spree, this time houses from here!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kimi


      I'll cross my fingers for you!! You know that I'm a finger's tip away from you if you need to vent.

    3. arathea


      I've noticed already. lol

    4. InsaneInTheBrain


      So far it has been a good little computer! I am getting all the lots I downloaded placed and then will be replacing the Sims.

  3. Ordered an Intel I5 processor and more ram for my laptop! Hopefully that will fix my issues and I'll be back to TS3 soon!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nixicole
    3. RedMallie


      Yay! Fingers crossed that this will fix it!!! And it's always nice to have new shinies, hehehe!!! :D

    4. Loralie0512
  4. First day of school! Back to homeschooling I go, this year we start middle school

    1. Kimi


      AGH! He's getting so big!

    2. ClearaMorph


      Yay home school! So no teacher strikes I guess for you! Well if you live in Canada that is, not sure if it's nationwide or not. The best thing is because it should be your parents, you can have all the hugs, kisses, bathroom, and snack breaks you need while probably getting an equal or more than likely, a better education than you would get at normal school. Plus no bulling! Win, win!

    3. WolfMoon


      I love our school, otherwise I would home school, our school is small but so good. My sister teaches there.

  5. Got to veg out on Sims all day today! Sunday Simday!

    1. Kimi


      And that all equals a good day. :)

    2. InsaneInTheBrain
    3. WolfMoon


      I hope to do that tomorrow while the kids have sleep over and spending the day at the horse show.

  6. Happy Halloween!

    1. RedMallie


      May you have the spookiest Halloween ever! :)

    2. InsaneInTheBrain


      It was, it there were so many horrible things that happened that night! My son's 21st birthday was that night, he came over and celebrated with us because it was a mad house out there.

    3. RedMallie


      Wow!!! Glad to hear your son came home to celebrate and sorry to know about RL horrible things. October is the best month in the year, so, well.

  7. My internet is being stuuuuupid

    1. RedMallie


      Awww!! sorry to hear that!

    2. Kimi


      Kick it. That always helps.

    3. Rosewin


      Maybe the gerbil needs feeding?

  8. Spring cleaning is almost done! Kids have too much crap!

    1. RedMallie


      Hehehe, good luck with that!!! :D

    2. Kimi


      Kids and crap. They go hand in hand.

    3. InsaneInTheBrain
  9. Going to stop writing for a few hours since that is really all I've done in two days. Time to load up sims and see what they are up to!

    1. RedMallie
    2. Katelinjens
    3. Kimi


      I wonder what mischief you caused.

  10. Blah! All of a sudden my game keeps freezing. Not crashing just stops and doesn't move again. I just wanted to kill sims! Is that too much to ask?

    1. RedMallie


      Patience, there must be something in that makes it slow down. Patience. Save often.

    2. InsaneInTheBrain


      It is totally freezing, I've left it and it never starts back up

    3. RedMallie
  11. Blah, this cold just needs to go away now.

    1. nixicole


      Yup. Feel better!

    2. Kimi


      Come here and we'll cuddle. :)

    3. bluegenjutsu


      I hope you get better soon!

  12. Stupid alarm clock woke me up! I am on summer vacation, why my husband doesn't remember that is beyond me!

    1. arathea


      Did he survive?

    2. Kimi


      Arathea! XD

      But you have to admit that the alarm clock is damn cute!

  13. So far so good with the computer not crashing (knocks on wood)

    1. Eliza


      Fingers, uummm well "toes?" crossed? Crossing of fingers or eyes, makes typing &/or Simming difficult LOL

    2. Kimi


      Good luck! I'm gonna check on you now. :P *runs to facebook*

  14. Haha! I am listening to my son play WOW. He's leading some kind of raid or something, and half the stuff he says I don't understand.

    1. Sleepycat
    2. Kimi


      As long as he knows, I suppose that's all that matters. XD

  15. Finally caught up on all the halloween stories! Now to just get one more update of mine up before I can play again.

    1. RedMallie


      Good!! I've just updated mine, too. I can play again!!! :D

    2. Kimi


      They are really good so far! I can't keep up let alone even try to start my own story. :P I love them all, though.

  16. Woo, got a good play in finally! Now have over 160 pictures to go through and a lot of writing ahead of me before the next play through.

    1. RedMallie


      Good luck!!! Looking forward to reading your story!!! :D

    2. Kimi


      Holy smokes! *cleans glasses*

  17. Just checking in! Hope everyone is good! :grouphug:

    1. FzzyDg8
    2. RedMallie


      Hello, Insane!!! Great to see you!!!! :waving:

  18. Good morning! :sillysqueeze:Popping in to say Hi and that I miss you all!

    1. RedMallie


      INSANE!!!!! Insane!!!!! Hello, dear girl!!!!!! :loveshower::picgifs-hello-198104:

    2. Kimi


      Why hello there Miss BusyPants! :hug3:

  19. I'm a little late, but happy New Year everyone! Hope your holidays were wonderful :)

    1. Kimi


      It's never too late. <3

    2. RedMallie


      So great to hear from you!! Happy new year, Insane!!

  20. Okay, I got my TS3 installed on this laptop, and just have to go buy a new mouse, then hopefully I'll be able to play again!

    Oh, did I forget to mention that I was going to try this for the third time lol. Wish me luck!

    1. Loralie0512


      Good luck!! I look forward to seeing what you do!

    2. InsaneInTheBrain


      LOL thanks! I still only have WA for now again, and am not downloading many things since I'm on this laptop. But, I did install it the other day and just basic NRaas mods and TFM ones, and it seemed to be okay.

  21. :25:I'm still alive! How is everyone?

    1. Kimi


      I know that you're alive! <3

    2. RedMallie


      Hello, Insane!!!! Great to hear from you!!!! :3hearts:

  22. Thinking of starting a story, not sure how quick it would be updated since I started homschooling again, but thought it would be fun. Where would I put it?

    1. Nellas


      Sim For All if it doesn't have more than nudity, Naughty Stories if it does.

  23. Starting on this weeks lesson plans early, so I can have most of Sunday to play!

    1. Kimi


      Good idea! I have to start my game if I'm to start on the challenge at all.

  24. I need more coffee! Birght note, school is out!

    1. Kimi


      I have coffee!! Come over.

  25. All right, new computer, let's see how well you play my pixel dolls.

    1. Kimi


      Awesome! Hopefully you'll have some great shots to share.

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