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About ClearaMorph

  • Birthday 05/11/1978

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  1. Happy Birthday!  Love your mods.  

  2. Just got my new RAM for my computer and pre-ordered the new expanastion.  Yes, I got the new RAM just for the new expansion pack.  Just came in time in the mail today.  It was three 2 GB RAM, and I went up to the max of 16 GB 4 x 4 Now, just got to wait for the 9 PM drop and let it install.  In the meantime I can occupy myself with my Switch playing Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu.  Anyone want a shiny Geodude?  I have 4 of them.  

    1. RedMallie


      Congrats on the new RAM!!!

    2. ClearaMorph


      Thanks.  I can hear it working at times.  

  3. Heeeeey Kiiiids!!   Happy birthday, happy birthday!  Whoop-de-doo, whoop-de-doo may your day be pleasant, open up your present!  Just for you just for you!  Gotta love Binky the Clown!  

  4. Anyone got any idea when the next sale will be?  I don't want to buy this new pack until it is on sale, it's so not worth the $26!  

    1. brigitte


      I tried to outwait it, too. Unfortunately it wasn't on sale in any of the stores I usually get lower prices and I waited and compared prices all the time. For some reason THIS pack was nowhere to be seen in our country. Origin will certainly reduce the price around the time when the new packs go on sale.

      I finally caved in and bought Strangerville for the regular price, and it's not really worth it, but we get the new lots and some cool deco stuff.  If you're patient, better wait. I couldn't (patience isn't my strength, even though I've waited the longest time before buying this one). This also has to do with houses I like to download, and most of them have the new objects now. The story itself is not worth mentioning, but the new hood and apocalyptic stuff are nice to have.

      I think I bought it two weeks ago. Played once. And that was it. - Mods are all updated now, which is also important for me in regard to patches etc.

    2. ClearaMorph


      I caved a week or two ago as well and got it, haven't played the story yet.  Went to bed way too early, and got up early, so. off to play!

    3. brigitte


      LOL, it was the same time we gave in. :celebrate:

      Have fun playing!

  5. Just got back from the hospital after getting my appendix removed.  Guess it's my gift, going home on Christmas.  I had to go out of town, as our local hospital is too small and couldn't even do a proper diagnosis (just the Mcburney's test and a blood test)  to know for sure it was appendicitis.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ClearaMorph


      Thank you, I do feel better and can eat again, now I just got to try to sleep.  

    3. Kimi


      Goodness! Thank goodness you're home and resting. 

    4. RedMallie


      Take it easy!!! I wish you a swift recovery and a great New year. Glad to hear you´re back home.

  6. No welcome wagon by TheFandomGirl doesn't work right, as it seems at least in my game to prevent me from going to festivals.  

  7. Happy Birthday Coolspear!  Love your mods by the way.

  8. Save up to 60% on the Sims on the Sims and more, until July 19th, but big surprize the Sims 4 Seasons is not on sale.  

  9. Is it worth waiting for Seasons to go on sale, in a month or two or will that be months, like Christmas before the next big sale?  It's just about $52 Canadian.  It is GST month, so I could get it, but I can wait.  

    1. RedMallie


      Just my opinion. I prefer to buy any of EA's games on sale instead of full price. :smile:

    2. ClearaMorph


      Got any idea when it will go on sale, and if so, when?  Isn't there supposed to be a summer sale?  

    3. RedMallie


      Hmm, nope. Sorry. If you were in the US, I might guess that the Labor Day would be the next big holiday/sale period. Unless there is a back to school sale? But you're further up in Canada, right? I'm not that familiar with your holidays that would merit a sale of this kind. I was just lucky to make a game bundle with Seasons, Jungle Adventures, and Laundry Day and get a discount.

  10. Got my cast off finally! No weight bearing until the doc who fixed my leg says it’s okay but now I can finally have a bath, shave my legs, and itch my leg!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sleepycat
    3. RedMallie


      Hehehe!! Good!! Just remember that you will need to get out of the tub, hee hee!! ;)

      No, seriously. Glad to hear you're further ahead with your recovery. Take it easy, though!

    4. Twoftmama


      Glad you're on the mend!

  11. Just got back from the hospital, last night, I was there since Nov. 25, when I slipped and fell on the ice and broke my left leg. Broke it in 2 places and dislocated it. I had to be transferred by ambulance to a bigger hospital since I love in a small town. Well no walking for me, and I guess that means TV and Sims for the next 6 to 8 weeks.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Katelinjens


      I hope that you will recover quickly and not be in much pain!

    3. Kimi


      I'm so sorry that you're injured. Listen to your caregivers and most of all rest. It sounds like you have a great plan for that!

    4. ClearaMorph


      Yeah, the plan is, writing, Sims, TV, and extra sleep, and no painkillers. I found out painkillers do more harm than good, they trick your brain, and the pain is good for how far you can or cannot move, say for exercise. As silly as it sounds, the inflammation is actually good and part of the healing process.

  12. Looking forward to my ice-cream cake later today from the Hut. (It's like a Dairy Queen cake) Hot fudge cookie crumble, mmm, can't wait!

    1. jenniferw23


      I suppose my invitation to your ice cream cake party got lost in the mail. Sigh. : )

    2. RedMallie


      hmm, it sounds yummy!!! Enjoy!!!

    3. Rosewin


      Sounds wonderful!

  13. Happy Mother's Day everyone! I hope everyone has a great day!

  14. Sims Medieval seems there is no lack of treasure to be found, you can find both a Jade Tigerwolf as well as shovels, good one by the cemetery!

  15. Back from the dentist, no cavities, just a chipped tooth that needed fixing! Guess having diabetes isn't a bad thing, God has turned this weakness I have, into a strength to show His glory in me! Now I'm eating heather and I have been delivered from my pop addiction, thank You Jesus!

    1. Katelinjens


      Glad to hear that you are doing well.

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