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Everything posted by Jenn

  1. Bit the bullet and just ordered new bed, mattress and bedding. I sort of wish I had bought the PS4, but no one in the four closest states has one.haha

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kimi
    3. nixicole


      I envy you. As soon as sis and her husband move out, I get the second bedroom upstairs, and I need a bigger bed. I'm too tall for a twin!

    4. Jenn


      Ha. I am short enough to fit on a twin, but I would end up tossing myself over the side if I had to sleep on one.

  2. "Ms. Jennifer, Stink has a low-grade temp and inflamed throat. Strep is sweeping the school. Keep an eye on him for the next few days." $#$%$# Just what I do not need or want going around the house. I am so glad he was not sent home. Yet.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nellas


      Oh I hope it misses him. I am so over sick kids. Kaiba just got over the flu, Rin has had two different strains of it, strep, sinus infection, the works!! I am so ready for summer so these kids quit sharing shit with each other!

    3. Jenn


      so far so good. No fever and his throat is still only mildly irritated. The nurse said half the school has it.

    4. Wolfenblu


      Except for being sick with ear infections with Cubbie we have been doing really good, but the kindergarten teacher said wait til March one day last year she had one student. I am like nooooooo I hate it when kids are sick.

  3. Lightning Returns! See you guys in a couple of weeks.

    1. Kimi


      What is that? I'm clueless. :P

    2. Jenn


      Final Fantasy XIII, the third and final one. (PS3)

    3. Kimi


      Oh ok. :P I don't really play anything else other than TS3. Have fun!

  4. *grumbles* Game is ruined. *delete*

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Great8Girl


      Well, at least you got the problem pinned :) *hugs*

    3. Kimi


      My friend got me a mix and pan to make brownkies for my birthday. I should make those!! Have fun Jenn!

    4. Jenn


      Sounds tasty! Spaghetti and brownies. Now if I could just get a world to actually load. sigh

  5. A full day spent in CCM for no reason. *delete*

  6. Missed the school recording while trimming the cat's needles. I wonder if that was a Yay they do go to school or Gee, we are here to ruin your day, no school. On a happy note, Sims 3 is all installed. CCM is all done. Download spree! Screw the no cc crap, I say.

  7. Old Guy: I'm thinking to take Stink to Fayetteville.

    1. Jenn


      Me: Have fun.

      **hour later**

      Old guy: You ready to go?

      Me: At what point did you say I was being forced to go?

      Old Guy: *stomps away*

    2. Loralie0512


      Lol! Alone time? Yes please!

    3. Jenn


      Exactly! Stink had a week off in snow days. I need a vacation.

  8. School cancelled tomorrow, the 4th day in a row. This is probably their 30th snow day since December.

  9. How the heck did my empty downloads folder jump to 2gb?

    1. Loralie0512


      Oh my gosh! Sounds like my folder lol!

    2. Sleepycat
    3. Jenn


      I went on a superspree. I am just dreading the sims 3 spree since I do still have saves that are crammed full. I am very glad that over half were converted to store stuff only.

  10. 5,000 new pieces of CC. Nice round number to go to bed on. Plus, I think I have carpal tunnel in my wrist from all the "download" buttons I clicked today.

  11. Sims 2 is all done installing. Movie pack is downloading and then my reinstall day will be over.

  12. ugh. Origin update is 2.5 hours and I am almost ready to install Fast Lane, which has to be downloaded. I guess I will switch to Sims 2 for installing now.

  13. Supposed to be doing day 2 of the backing for the reformat.decided to do a massive inspection of Sims2 downloads folder.then decided I needed more hair. Ugh!

    1. Rosewin


      You always need more hair in 2.

    2. Jenn


      I know! Half my hair don't have meshes, so I am on the great mesh search. Failing because the Raonjena site is gone.

  14. My computer is randomly putting icons all over my desktop that can't be deleted. I think it's backup/reformat day. ugh

    1. Nellas


      UGH! I so hate that for you!

    2. Jenn


      I hate it too, but in my jump drive, I found out that my lost saves were combined inside another save that has not been looked at in months. I found about 20 lost games. So excited! This will hopefully fix my crashing that crash log classifies as an unknown cause. No conflicts, no mods, no cc and it still crashes. My computer has needed it for like 5 months, so I'm just going to grin (grimace) and just do it. I just hope I don't forget sims 2 stuff this time.

    3. Jenn


      Thank you, Steam for having a backup option. I would hate to have to download Skyrim again.

  15. That moment you look around your kitchen and curse the moron that did not screw the cap on the steak sauce. Then as you are cleaning up the walls, floor and ceiling, you remember it was you that forgot to do it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      Nothing worse when the only person you have to blame is yourself.

    3. lewisb


      I've had to learn checking the top first is my friend. That really burns me up, are they setting me up. I do shake everything. :D

    4. Jenn


      Haha! I have never had to before, but I will definitely now. The guys thought it was hysterical, so I think intentional "oopses" will be in my future.

  16. Stink had 8 snow days before the two week break. School was then canceled for today and tomorrow due to the -30. Sigh. I bet summer will be canceled next.

    1. Kimi


      I know! It's so damn cold. :(

    2. jenniferw23


      Dropped down into the mid-teens a few mights ago, then up to 71, and now it was 40 this morning. I'm ready for summer. I'm such a wuss in cold weather.

  17. Just had a friend tell me that EA is working on a new patch. How fitting now that we can't do it unless someone takes over for Twallan

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Orilon


      Unless it is very necessary I am not patching.

    3. Nyxie


      EA can go jump off a bridge.

    4. veiledstar


      Hopefully someone will help with some of the core mod updates. SimAd has opened up a discussion over at Nraas as well as asked for help. If a group can't help, then I hope Twallan sells EA that bridge.

  18. So, the car runs again after the raccoon adventure. Too bad the power steering belt froze and busted just now. Thanks to the -500 degree weather.

    1. michalien


      Sorry to hear that. I was thinkin about you guys, in the States while listening evening news. We have 15 C above 0 here which is not good too for this part of the year.

  19. Baby and drama withdrawal. I quietly shut off Skyrim and load up the pregnancy challenge.

    1. doren


      How is the drama going?

  20. How come Skyrim is more fun on PC than xbox? See ya! Just bought all the DLC for it.see you next year sometime

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cloudwalker


      except driving. a/w/s/ total failure for me.

    3. Signy


      Have fun storming the castles. I have to agree with Tessa but then again I tend to play fantasy RPGs rather than driving games.

    4. Jenn


      I think that must be it. I do prefer a controller for driving, but I don't seem to be too bad on Need for Speed world except for hand cramps during long races.

  21. *crawls out from under the mantle of death to wave hi and goes back under*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jenn


      Thanks. I'm trying. At least I got out of bed today, first time in two days.

    3. Rosewin


      Jenn I think you should send that gift back for a refund.

      Hope you continue to feel much better.

    4. jenniferw23


      Hope you're feeling better soon and have a totally healthy new year!

  22. Merry Christmas

    1. jenniferw23


      And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Jenn.

  23. So after an evening of inspecting, all my saves are corrupted yet again. Damn you, registry fix.

    1. Katelinjens


      I am sorry to hear that Jenn. I think your computer doesn't like the sims because it corrupts the files so often.:(

    2. Cloudwalker


      did you try the save cleaner from simlogical?

    3. Jenn


      I have that somewhere, but I haven't used it in ages. I will give that a try, thanks!

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