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Status Replies posted by tessalion13


  2. Shake just watched the first ep of Breaking Bad. Guess who is going to stay up all night watching alllll the other eps now.

  3. Today will be awesome. Especially since Walgreens now carries Starburst jellybeans year-round.

  4. totally squirrelified. New movie started a screenplay on the table nearly done, and two novels about to be submitted. I was supposed to rub of on HER!

  5. Messed up my lot, lost 2 hours worth of work.

  6. Happy National Cheeseburger Day! Yes, you can haz chessburger today.

  7. Finally started writing my story. Now to make sets & sims.

  8. I think I should make more content for TS2 but at times I feel like I'm the only one who still plays it. Don't mind me moping. :/

  9. I could write this story if my characters would quit thinking of ways to hop in bed with each other!!

  10. Parents gone time to PARTY! Party at my house! Oh and I want to prank them!

  11. crap. download spree.

  12. My son just wrote me out a Netflix tutorial because he was tired of having to always mess with finding stuff for Rin. <3

  13. Dragging my kids through my old college campus, Kaiba asks if they had invented computers yet when I went here. :/

  14. It's a girl! OMG! It'a boy! Shit! It's triplets!!!

  15. So what do I do? Start spring cleaning, or play sims?

  16. A student's mother called me this morning to see if I was going to be today's tutor cause her kid LOVED me. I think I just melted a little!

  17. Going to give goat curry a try. *neighbors do not pay in cash for favors done*

  18. Surrounded by BTS supplies. I doubt these markers and construction paper will make it to class in one piece.

  19. Brews fresh coffee

  20. A Perfect Gen Wishacy? Sure, why not.

  21. Hubby just brought in a gallon of wine, hot and sour soup and a new package of pens. I am a happy girl!

  22. Just went through a 12 pack of pens in 14 days. @.@

  23. Ack! Time to clean out the PMs again XD

  24. Question: Wraiths & Zombies, werewolves or warriors with odd little fairy thingies?

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