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Status Replies posted by arathea

  1. Greetings to everyone. Drop just to tell you that my illness has returned and progressed. So, I will not be coming to the forum for a while. Hugs to all.


  3. Trying to get 2 two year olds to take a nap.

  4. I'm an Auntie again! My baby sister just had her first, a little girl, Lucy. =D

  5. Free hugs - need a hug/want to hug. (Just do it!)

  6. 3 day weekend for me, and a picnic with my kidlets tomorrow! SO cannot wait!!


  8. I see that I have been missed. Thank you all who thought about me and waited for my return. You warm words touched my heart. I missed you too. You are awesome. Numerous hugs to you.

  9. Went with Winnie for his stress test. The good news is that I do not have to get him refurbished again! And he doesn't have to go back for another year!

  10. Both eyes black, nose peeking out from bandages swollen & discolored from skin cancer surgery yesterday. If I dared go out, I can hear me saying: "I'm sure he's often tempted, but really officer, my husband does NOT beat me!"

  11. Since I can't go back to bed, I think I will just go kill things instead.

  12. Taking care of a sick lil man :(

  13. I guess, on some level, I wondered how long it would take. Today is officially the first day I was reduced to tears because of work. :(

  14. We're home! Had a wonderful time. Worked and played with dogs, and had a lot of fun.

  15. I PASSED, I PASSED, I PASSED! Pretty sure a two-ton weight has been lifted. Will be simming later!

  16. Activity is still sketchy but I swear to the great plumbob in the sky I WASN'T woohooing my secretary.

  17. Looking For DECENT Isla Paradiso worlds.

  18. ISZ - where is Dexter? I miss seeing him.

  19. No sleep = No brain.

  20. My Love and I are 15 years old today. And they say Gay people don't last! Let's see got whipped cream, rope, handcuffs, candles and massage oils, it's gonna be a bumpy night!

  21. Lat guest left. My wife and daughter are going to visit her mother, so my son and I will e alone for few days. I'm so happy that I will finaly have a chance to continue Simtopia 4. Starting tomorow. YAY!

  22. A Perfect Gen Wishacy? Sure, why not.

  23. *eyes DL folder worriedly* How you doin' there?

  24. Happy Birthday to Cubbie!

  25. Question: Wraiths & Zombies, werewolves or warriors with odd little fairy thingies?

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