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Status Replies posted by Twoftmama

  1. Chapter 7 is finished and open for comment, too. Old material all used now. I need to get playing again!

  2. Chapter 7 is finished and open for comment, too. Old material all used now. I need to get playing again!

  3. A SciFi, period drama, featuring a gay male lead. Who'd a thunk I could get so twisted.

  4. Chapter 6 of the Short story is now done. Soon I'll need to start playing again, as I'm running out of material :)

  5. 30 yrs old today. Crazy, never thought I would make it.

  6. There █████ █ ████ is ███ █ no █████ █ ████ problem █ ████ █████ █ ████ everything ███ ████ is█████ ████ ████ fine ████ ██ ██████ trust ███ ████ ███ your ████ ████ government.

  7. Yay, I finally got a job. Not much of a job, but a job none the less.

  8. omg, Maxis faces.

  9. Giving up on playing any Sims games. Its more hassle than fun now.

  10. Is never going to figure out how to make this breast-feeding mod for sims3 to work right! GRRRRR!

  11. having won a battle with my student loan company today, im rewarding myself with coffe, lunch and sims when i get home!

  12. “For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.”

  13. It's not fun waking up to a wet bed. That's what I get for letting the baby sleep in it.

  14. my day is now seriously better <3

  15. **rolls sleeves up and prepares to move more stuff** Oh look, new content.wanders off

  16. I think the Asylum just got tired of me posting and wouldn't let me back in. *giggle*

  17. Heading to bed! Night all!

  18. Thank-you! The place looks lovely.

  19. Takes a deep breath and forges on.

  20. Simbology's back!!!

  21. Happy that Simbology' is back

  22. Isz digs the new diggs. :D

  23. Think I saw TFM's head go rolling past my desk.

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