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Status Updates posted by Cloudwalker

  1. what a rotten day. Falling in dog pee, pee flooding into our basement, then he broke our front door and ran into traffic. We really need that fence done!

  2. I need a friggen 'reset all' button for this day.

  3. started the day by falling down the stairs and landing in a puddle of dog pee.

    1. Nellas


      Time for a hot shower and call it a day >.<

    2. Sleepycat
    3. Cloudwalker


      I should milk this today. Hubby got me coffee, daughter made ice packs. Hmmm, take out tonight!

  4. fricken neighbor took down a fence without telling us and our two dogs ran away. After massive manhunts *doghunts, back home. IDIOTS

    1. Pope


      Ugh, I'm glad you found your dogs, hope you can get a new fence up soon.

    2. Chicken0895


      I'm glad you found your dogs. I can't believe your neighbors were so stupid. Make them pay for a new fence.

  5. tried to make an object. My bouquet came out as fingernails. Fingernails with flowers on them but bumpy.

    1. Rosewin


      At least you can say it was unique. ;P

    2. Cloudwalker


      in a creepy, borked way. Yes. :)

  6. Paris did not kill my game and it's beautiful

    1. MadameButterfly


      I really love having my sims visit Paris. <3

    2. Cloudwalker


      Oh I got the whole world from SimsKey


    3. MadameButterfly


      Oh, I see! How lovely.and I have never been to that site before. I have to see what I am missing. :D

  7. considering installing simkey's Paris but I think my computer might go on strike (I think I hear virtual moaning)

  8. migraine.

    1. MadameButterfly


      Oh.hugs! I am almost right there with you. I think it's time for a pain killer.

    2. Cloudwalker


      Aw thanks. I think I'll pour one. errrr, take some too :)

  9. Just returned from seeing WarHorse on stage. OOH WOW was it AMAZING! best thing I've EVER seen on stage.

  10. Going to see War Horse on stage tonight, but really don't want to leave the puppy.

  11. hmm, is Facebook totally uncool now? I rarely go on and noticed a lot of people are backing off of it now. Don't think I'll miss it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MadameButterfly


      I haven't used mine in ages. I deleted I could off of it over the course of last year. This year has been pretty much facebook-free for me. I don't even think about it any more.

    3. cherubim97


      I use it to connect with a few friends who I cannot have contact with otherwise (heaven forbid me having to use Twitter messaging or e-mail for that ever again). I think they, the management and developers, killed the site with constant changes in design, layout, and thus, by trying to make it more 'flexible', took away the convenience. I can't even use their chat system without lagging, freezing and disconnecting, and my computer can handle other sites very well. So, yeah.

    4. Cloudwalker


      I agree. Constant changes, ignoring privacy issues, too many ads showing up and generally a lot of whining by people in their posts. LOL I actually got PHONE calls when I stopped using it (but to find out if I was still alive) LMAO

  12. ugh, just realized I made a huge mistake with resolution on hours and hours of video. Sometimes I wonder where my head is.

  13. mmm, hubby just asked to meet 'the other man'. Um, you do know he's just a bunch of code, right?

    1. Twoftmama


      My husband says something similar.

    2. Cloudwalker


      ah, but we can dream.

  14. two poses down, too many more to go. Sigh. (still can't figure out eyes)

    1. Nellas


      There were some eye overlays months back that worked great to show where the pupil would be looking. Can't find them now but I know they are out there. @.@

    2. Cloudwalker


      OrangeMittens is helping me and I have the files now! Now to make sure they work. :)

  15. between learning posing, animations, fraps, meshing, premiere pro, soundbooth and after effect my head is mush.

    1. Nellas


      It is really worth it though! I loved making animations but all the study burned me out.

    2. Cloudwalker


      well, my husband asked, 'will this make money'? um, no, this is called "hobby", remember those?

    3. Nirar22


      It's not just a hobby, learning new things helps keep your brain young and helps fend off Alzheimer's. :D I have a huge list of things I'd like to try in Sims3. That is one of the coolest things about sims, there is just so many places to be creative! :)

  16. looking for a thumbs up (standing) pose

  17. just saw TSR story guidelines, "no teen sex or pregnancy" "no murder" . geez, so much for anything good to read eh?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cloudwalker


      LOL oh yep.

      and Youtube didn't take down my movie with the naughty bits left in. yet

    3. Twoftmama


      TSR is in bed with EA, so they won't allow anything that violates the T rating. *rolls eyes*

    4. Cloudwalker


      interesting to know! I remember when it was first launched with sims and it was all free. :)

  18. dog barfing on our bed. Great way to wake up (and it's my baby's 20th birthday. TWENTY) oyyyy

    1. Twoftmama


      Ewwww! (the barf not the birthday)

  19. i hate it when I know I downloaded some cc but can't find it in the dern game.

  20. yay, Episode two is up ! some naughty bits. :)

  21. 70-pd puppy just landed on laptop and hurled it across the room. I cannot believe it's still working

    1. Wolfenblu


      LOL they are pretty sturdy. I had a cow eat my watch once it was a Timex, and my cousin found it later the band had been distroyed but the watch was still working.

    2. Cloudwalker


      Wow, whole story there I bet! LOL

  22. RL meets virtual, just noticed on my blog my Egyptian sims have had a lot of downloads from Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

  23. good thing my puppy is cute. ARGGGGHH (7 mo old golden retriever)

    1. Pope


      Aww I know that feeling, just got ours three weeks ago (24mo Lab and German Short Hair Rescue)

    2. Cloudwalker


      unbelievable stores of energy and mischief!

  24. Anyone able to translate (not in depth) a French song? (just need the gist, which I 'think' I have, but. :)

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