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Status Updates posted by Loralie0512

  1. OMG i lost everything in my downloads folder for TS2! I hope I held onto that back up :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfenblu


      Oh no, runs to back hers up!

    3. Loralie0512


      Thanks everyone! I did, well the important stuff anyway. I guess I did want to reorganize my hair folder after all. Lol!

    4. Firestaar1


      Man that really sucks Tacheira, I'm glad you have some of your stuff *hug*

  2. Roaring Heights is out tomorrow! Can't today hurry up already >.<

    1. doren


      Roaring Heights will be out today (in the evening in Europe) no reason for it to hurry.

    2. doren


      Why it says 13th December on the download page for the world, when it is advertised everywhere else on the official page for the 12th is beyond me though.

    3. Loralie0512


      For me when I posted it was the 11th ;)

  3. Sims 3 is frustrating me so bad right now. Grrrrr!

    1. Jenn


      Mine too! Hope you get your issues figured out.

  4. So mad! Playing my Cabernet family and crash! Nooo!!

    1. Rosewin


      *hug* Hate it when that happens.

    2. bluegenjutsu


      I'm sorry that happened to you, Loralie. I hate when a crash will happen out of the blue, too.

  5. Super excited to find out my double clicking issue has been fixed with my mouse

    1. jenniferw23


      And I'm excited for you. Nothing like electronic problems to frustrate a person

  6. Thinking of moving my families to a blog, but working that stuff is so difficult!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tessalion13


      But then I won't remember to read it >.<

    3. Jenn


      I do like WordPress. Blogger is hard for me.

    4. Loralie0512


      Thanks Nirar! I may have to take you up on that!

  7. Today will be my first day back at work :( I'm not ready for all the stress again!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nixicole


      Take it easy, or do what I do and eat Kitkats! ;) Good luck!

    3. RedMallie


      I hope it was not too stressing. Make sure you sleep and rest well tonight.

    4. Loralie0512


      Thanks everyone! It went okay, no problems! Yay!

  8. Ugh, someone hacked into my Origin account!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. x0101x
    3. Firestaar1


      Not cool! I hope they get it sorted for you soon! *hug*

    4. carlfatal


      I had the same a few weeks ago. But after I found a way to reach EA via phone, they helped me very kindly. I wish you the best!

  9. Upgrading to Windows 10, I hope it goes smooth. Otherwise I won't have a computer until Sunday.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SatansSprite


      It does take awhile though, I should add. I think it took a little over an hour for the full install process on my machine. Sorry for the double comment.

    3. Loralie0512


      Just like SatanSprite, I had no problems. I started my games up right after and everything worked!

    4. ClearaMorph


      Hmm, I think I will wait 2 or 3 monthes, I got rid of the things a week or so ago, I didn't like I didn't have a choice. I guess we'll see if it is all it's craked up to be or not, I'm still sceptical, about something going terribly wrong!

  10. Visited the Pistachio's for awhile and then stopped in to check on Kit-Kat, hope to have some updates for them soon!

    1. FzzyDg8


      Yay, haven't heard from the Pistachio family; I miss them.

  11. Will this morning sickness ever end?! :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Loralie0512


      Thanks guys! I really hate it! It's what has been keeping me away from here :( I'm hoping relief is coming soon.

    3. Rosewin


      *Hug* I hope so too Techeira.

    4. crinrict


      In some cases, yes it does when the baby is born.

  12. Wish I didn't have work, its been too long since I simmed last :(

    1. RedMallie


      I know!! I haven't been able to do much playing except get my Asylum fix these last week! ;(

  13. With the combination of complete-your-set and daily deal, I got the May 2012 set for free!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tessalion13
    3. veiledstar


      I got a set today for 5 simpoints with the complete your set. I forget which one. Congrats on yours!

    4. Loralie0512


      Thanks guys! I'm hoping to score another one cheap soon!

  14. Yay will finally get play with Showtime today!

  15. Yes! Got the demo! Now I'm going to go play around with it!

    1. Great8Girl


      How do you get the demo?

    2. Loralie0512


      it just showed up in my origin account.

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