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Status Replies posted by Cohzaku

  1. Just watched the Doctor Who Proms.God I wish we could have something this magical and beautiful State-side.

  2. Just watched the Doctor Who Proms.God I wish we could have something this magical and beautiful State-side.

  3. five days of an archeological dig and what do I have to show for it? A chipped tooth, two unidentifiable bone fragments, and a heart-shaped rock I found on a mesa.

  4. Babysitting is fun, but I cannot come to the Asylum with a 7 year old cuddled up next to me. It's just not safe!

  5. lost 2 terrabyte external. buh bye important shit.

  6. gas for 2.89 right before a 1,000 mile trip? I will take it!

  7. Bedtime here.don't break anyting for the next 8 hours!!

  8. Monday, Monday .Sigh

  9. has been left alone with the keys to the Asylum.mwahaha

  10. has been left alone with the keys to the Asylum.mwahaha

  11. FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOTHERS AND YOUR MOTHERS' FUCKERS, EA!!!! THe patch update notice freezes my game, and I cannot get in at all.guess I'll have to re-install everything.

  12. FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOTHERS AND YOUR MOTHERS' FUCKERS, EA!!!! THe patch update notice freezes my game, and I cannot get in at all.guess I'll have to re-install everything.

  13. Father time hit on me.I hoped for the minute hand, expected the hour hand.I got the second hand.

  14. I'm ridin' with Lady Luck

  15. Fun with teen boys, hearing lots of fart jokes, they are 12-14, they are easy to feed and keep occupied

  16. Is feeling ornery.looks around for a victim. XD

  17. Sorry Hagan Daaz, goodbye Dreyer's, So long Breyer's, Au Revoir Baskin Robin's.I have only one love these days: Ben & Jerry's. Chunky Monkey <3!

  18. My daughter has been working 12 and 14 hour days for a week, and there's no end in sight (she's a sous chef)

  19. My son got married today. Disclaimer: I am drunk as a skunk. I will not be held responsible for any posting I may do today.

  20. Meh, bad hair cut. >.>

  21. exercised fasted to-day.and it felt amazing! Intermittent fasting is truely the best diet out there!

  22. That awkward moment when you get all ready to go shopping and are heading out the door, only to realize it's a holiday and the store is closed. Ya, I just had that one.

  23. Thank god the gym was empty to-day. It was boiling so I took my jacket off (Never short sleeves in public.I'm a prude :P), was doing some shoulder exercises, when suddenly I saw something in the mirror, was shocked, and dropped the weights (Almost got my toes XD). The shocker? A visible vein in my previously porky arms. YAY! The fat is still coming off!!!!

  24. Thank god the gym was empty to-day. It was boiling so I took my jacket off (Never short sleeves in public.I'm a prude :P), was doing some shoulder exercises, when suddenly I saw something in the mirror, was shocked, and dropped the weights (Almost got my toes XD). The shocker? A visible vein in my previously porky arms. YAY! The fat is still coming off!!!!

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