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Status Replies posted by nixicole

  1. OMG, i have figured out object meshing for real

  2. First time in forever have a job interview. For a long time I wasn't getting any kind of response.

  3. Haven't really gotten to play in over a week, at least I've got time tonight for a little cc hunting

  4. a dude mounted on a horse just passed by, across the street from my bedroom window. 2013, this better be a sign of things to come.

  5. Well, BahHumbug! Just started putting up the Christmas stuff only to find most of it broken during the last move. I haz a sad. :(

  6. Flea Treatment Day = Nicole's Nevi will be pissed at her for the entire night.

  7. I want to share more of my stuff here, I just have to find the gumption to do it. :P

  8. I think I finally know the meaning of life.oh, look! A shiny!

  9. It's bad when just grocery shopping leaves you needing a pain pill. Great, I got the food but hurt too much to cook!

  10. 3 o clock AM my time, and I'm wide awake *sigh* Going to be a long day :(

  11. "So, would you mind totally gutting two walls, two 15' shelves, putting 30' worth or product we have no where else to put somewhere else, rearrange everything, while taking care of two other departments, your normal duties, all in a six hour period?" - That woman is getting a hitman for Christmas.

  12. I am officially caught up with the Asylum! *sees new post* nevermind.

  13. My son has been sent home a warning for playing in class O.O I have no idea what to do about this!

  14. Whoot! We made it, everybody! Well, unless, like me, you have to work tomorrow. But still. COOKIES!!!

  15. Alright, everybody, we're beyond officially into FRIDAY. So everyone who's been having a bad week, that's about to stop. Even if I have to end up posting a pic of my curly head of frizz to make you laugh.

  16. curling up in a ball until it's a new week.come back later

  17. Life sucks but at least i have the sims 3

  18. curling up in a ball until it's a new week.come back later

  19. This week sucks. End of story.

  20. Cheerios! :) Then work. :(

  21. Student loans just decided I needed to start paying an extra $250 a month, tomorrow and again before Christmas.goodbye Christmas budget!

  22. Feeling better now that I stopped being an idiot and thought to take pain killers for my earache and general achiness

  23. 2am is really way to early to get up in the morning! Wish I could sleep.

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