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Status Updates posted by jenniferw23

  1. We spent the day in Fort Worth yesterday and I got to to the driving. That almost never happens! But, for the record, women get a bad rap as back seat drivers. My husband has no peers when it comes to that.

    1. Kivak


      I never say anything to Wolfie when she drives. She is as a good driver. She tells me to slow down but otherwise she says nothing either.

  2. Workload playing havoc with my Sims and Asylum time. Sorry I’ve been depriving everyone of my boundless reservoir of wit and wisdom. WHAT! No one’s noticed! It’s OK. I lied about the wit and wisdom anyway. I miss y’all, though. : (

    1. Cohzaku


      Who are you?

    2. Wolfenblu


      We missed you! Nudges Cohzaku.

    3. Twoftmama


      We miss you! *hug*

  3. Wouldn't you know it? I get the home gel manicure set for Christmas and I've just heard that it increases the odds of my having skin cancer by about a trillion times (plus or minus 2). Guess I'll have to live with broken, unsightly nails.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nyxie


      Only if it has a UV light. Most at home kits come with LED lights, so you're in the clear there.

    3. jenniferw23


      Thanks for that clarification, Nyxie. I should have listened more closely to the story on TV, which didn't specifically mention home kits. Glad I didn't get rid of it (although to be honest it takes more time than I generally want to spend on my nails).

    4. Nyxie


      Yeah my nails are thin and they break a lot. I've tried a ton of stuff for them but I'm cheap and lazy so.lol

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