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Status Updates posted by TwistedSister

  1. Happy New Year, everyone! :D

    1. Kimi


      Happy New Year!

    2. RedMallie


      *still feeling it* Haaappy new year, TS!!! :57:

    3. Rosewin


      Happy new year TS!

  2. I might have gotten lost in TS3 for a couple of months. It's not the TS2 or TS4 I'm used to, but I'm loving it so far! <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RavenKay


      wish they had the open world in S4. I love S3 because of it.

    3. Kimi


      That's not a bad place to get lost.

    4. RedMallie


      When you find yourself, please check to see if I'm there, will you?

  3. I think I finally understand what 3-bolt Sim couples feel like <3

    1. Kimi


      That sounds promising! :D

  4. Oh yeah. It's building time. ^.^

  5. Really wish moving was as easy as it is in Sims games: packing and arranging movers is not fun. On the bright side, I have a brand new apartment of my own to decorate! :D

    1. RedMallie


      Yay on the new apartment!!!! Nay on the actual hassle of moving!!!

  6. Too much work, too little Sims. This needs to be fixed soon!

    1. RedMallie


      Yep, I know the feeling, too!!

  7. 9 year old hard drive finally bit the dust, and with it, 9 years worth of stuff. Fingers crossed that it wasn't fried! :(

    1. Kivak


      Oh no I feel your pain and so does wolfie, we are hoping my 2006 or so XP can be repaired.

    2. Sleepycat
    3. RedMallie


      I hope you recover your data, TwistedSister! Fingers crossed!

  8. Ah, the joys of assembling a new computer chair at 5 in the morning xD

  9. All I want for Christmas is a good night's sleep! Do NOT like being up for 24+ hours at a time. >.>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sleepycat
    3. jenniferw23


      Have you tried TFM's Slower Motive Decay mod? Or enticing the Sandman to visit you? Neither worked for me either but I hope you get that good night's sleep one way or another. "hugs"

    4. tessalion13
  10. Am expecting something shiny in the mail tomorrow. Can't wait till it gets here! *rubs hands gleefully*

  11. And out comes the graphics card! Back to shit-egrated graphics again. *sigh*

    1. Cohzaku


      Sorry about that. I now know just how horrible that can be.

  12. BACC Hood and Sims all ready to go, now to play and take some pictures :D

  13. Been distracted with League of Legends and a new bf, but I finally have some time to catch up here! :D

    1. Wolfenblu


      Nice distraction TS

  14. Been in lurk mode too long, soooo much to catch up on! xD

  15. Brand new hard drive, DOA. So much for getting my computer running today. :(

  16. Busy cleaning up what looked to be a pretty DL'ed house, turned out to be chock full of fail. xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TwistedSister


      This one was just that, Mimm! It was gorgeous in the picture, but nigh unplayable. There were garden plots stacked 2-3 deep, ten bajillion flowers and bushes that lagged like hell, and most couldn't be trimmed/watered due to blockage by fences or being up on foundations. And the foundation itself had so many issues, I ended up nuking everything to the ground and rebuilding.

    3. arathea


      There are mods for trimming and watering inaccessible plants. ;)

    4. TwistedSister


      Oh, I know there are, and I have them somewhere (just not in-game atm). Still doesn't help the lag though.

  17. Can't seem to shake this 'blah' feeling. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      *Shakes TS' blah and tells it to wrack off!*

    3. Katelinjens


      I hope you have gotten rid of that feeling!

    4. Kivak


      Me too its not fun.

  18. Can't sleep, so time for Sims xD

    1. ClearaMorph


      I was the opposite yesterday, with Canada Day I was walking around a lot and found I needed a nap in the afternoon, and an early night, after the fireworks no time for Sims yesterday.

    2. Wolfenblu


      I want to play so much where is my lay off from work notice. When I do get days off Cubbie and Chay want to do things. I never get sims time, lol.

  19. Can't wait to get a new graphics card: integrated graphics can die in a fire. :(

    1. Kivak


      Those really sound sucky, good luck!

  20. Can't zip them up yet, but I'm finally able to fit into the jeans I couldn't last spring. Woot! =D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. arathea
    3. Cohzaku


      *Is about to say it doesn't count, but decides to be nice*


      Actually, I've done that too. I was so happy I fit into some of my ol' 'too-tiny' pants, I just wore a really long top and jacket and walked around with the zipper down XD

    4. KierneM


      <---- is guilty of same thing

  21. Catching up around the forum, after yet another Minecraft binge. xD

    1. jenniferw23


      My son plays that and really enjoys it. I just can't get in to it. Maybe if I stuck with it over five minutes at a time.

  22. Come back, unseasonably cool weather! I wasn't done with you yet! D:

    1. Wolfenblu


      I am too it was 32 yesterday

  23. Debating whether or not to take the plunge and finally install the TS2 Ultimate Collection. Kinda afraid of messing things up! >.>

    1. Wolfenblu


      I would be afraid!

  24. Depression has a fun of way of taking the grandest of your plans and saying "Nope."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedMallie


      Big hug, girl. Fight it.

    3. nixicole


      *hugs* For sure. At my worst, I sleep all the time. Please message me if you need to talk. I check in here daily most of the time.

    4. Sleepycat
  25. Dinner's done, now to unwind with some Sims. :)

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