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Everything posted by tessalion13

  1. trying to decide if I feel up to installing TS3 on the windows side of my Mac just so that I don't have to stare at annoying lines on my pets.

    1. Wolfenblu


      Hope it works

    2. Nellas


      Bigger question is why EA and the video card comps think that is acceptable for us to put up with.

    3. tessalion13


      because anything that is mainly only a problem for Mac users is completely unimportant of course

  2. firing up my household with 7 infants to see how many days are left in this rotation, lord help me.

    1. MadameButterfly
    2. arathea


      TS2 infants aren't too hard, wait until they are toddlers.

    3. Kivak


      Sorry I would be aging up with blender at this point I would have lost one or two of them.

  3. first pregnancy of the crazy house resulted in triplets. Knew it!

  4. Thanks for the hugs everyone. Since my big boy is acting perfectly normal I'm just pretending Wednesday's news was an awful nightmare and cuddiling the heck out of him.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Katelinjens


      *Hugs* Tessa. You are in my prayers. I think you are handling it as well as one can.

    3. doren


      That is the best thing to do. What type of cancer does he have? (and are we talking about a cat or a dog here?)

    4. tessalion13


      Cat, and lung cancer. Looking at the xrays there's not enough unaffected tissue that they could do anything.

  5. May is officially my least favorite month.just got back from the vet and my big boy has advanced cancer, likely won't make it through the summer. :(

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Cabelle


      I'm so sorry. Big hugs.

    3. Kivak


      *hugs* I am so sorry Tessa.

    4. Firestaar1


      Now that I've found the right post, I want to say how sorry I am Tessa. I can only imagine how rough this is on you. *Mega monster hug*

  6. just when I thought MIL couldnt be more irrational, angry and annoying, she strikes again.potentially ruining a fabulous weekend with friends I've been looking forwward to for months.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. esjai
    3. Firestaar1


      Oh wow I'm so sorry Tessa, I truly think if all of us put her heads together we could come up with a sweet "accident" to get rid of her and no one would get arrested :D **mega hug**

    4. zolabee


      Ask her if she wants a souvenir. Tell hubby you love him and take off.

  7. reorganizing my downloads folder.i.e. deciding i miss some of the cc I cleaned out 2 months ago and putting it back in

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nyxie


      I took out everything but my painting recolores and OMG my game load

      ed so fast. I need to do some organizing for real.

    3. Nyxie


      lol, bad enter key placement.

    4. tessalion13


      What I really need to do is go in bodyshop and go through my clothes, so many outfits have WAY too many recolors, but that is just plain time consuming.

  8. was all excited about getting to sleep in with Hubby tomorrow (don't have to be at work until noon) and then he got called in.so he's leaving the house at 6am :(

    1. RebelRed


      Awww that sucks! Sorry. :(

    2. Wolfenblu


      That bits. Sorry too as someone who rarely gets to sleep in with their husband I understand.

    3. Twoftmama


      I'm sorry! *hug*

  9. just finished work with less than an hour and a half until bed, why must sims take so long to fire up :(

  10. so very glad this whirlwind week is over, now to distract myself from this weekend, sims time!

  11. scratch that, I found the lot I was looking for, yay for having things backed up!

    1. Rosewin


      Always nice to find you have the back up.

  12. could have sworn I downloaded a great wedding venue for TS2 once upon a time, now that I need it I can't find it!

  13. mildly creeped out by how much of a cc addict I must be.

    1. Twoftmama


      If that's creepy, then there's a lot of creepy folks here, including me!!!

  14. wishing I could use MC-> Edit in CAS to replace my MIL with someone else

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cloudwalker


      just a general trait change or a whole re-make?

    3. Wolfenblu


      A complete remake I am guessing. I wish I could remake my mother, at least Tessa can be thankful she is not her mother LOL

    4. tessalion13


      Eh if I changed 90% of her traits I'd probably be okay. I wish my mom had been around when I met my MIL, would have appreciated her WAY more.

  15. Hubby got a new job in his favorite hobby! Two income family for the first time, well ever. :D :D :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tessalion13


      :D It's great because now he's switching from a job he hates and never knows if/when he'll get days to a job he'll enjoy and he can work as much as he wants, when he wants, so more reliable :)

    3. crinrict
    4. Rosewin


      Great news!

  16. work's a whirlwind this week, so tired.

    1. Firestaar1


      Hope it gets better soon **hug**

    2. tessalion13


      It's not bad, just really really busy and really long days and early mornings.

  17. just realized i lost the text for my next update of Uberlicious, crap!

    1. Wolfenblu


      That bites I did that once before I was doing my own html, now I write it all in HTML and in regular writing.

  18. work done for the day, sims time!

  19. losing part of my weekend to draftng 30 pages of docments for an emergency hearing on Monday.but at least it leaves me alone near my sims computer instead of at MIL's!

  20. just heading home from work after a loooong day and thinking about asking Hubby to fire up TS2 for me so I don't have to wait on it when I get home

    1. Wolfenblu


      Sounds like a good plan to me, Kivak often does that for me and me for him.

  21. really wishing my sims would behave :X

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tessalion13


      haha, it's an odd problem, despite being all Sleepy sims, the silly things are being incredibly boring on the random pregnancy front

    3. TwistedSister


      And when they finally do, it'll be twins, I bet. <g>

    4. tessalion13


      HA, I have T&Q installed, when the game repays me for being bored, it will be in spades

  22. Thanks to Mockingjay I found the livejournal (and thus the downloads) I couldn't find!!

  23. gaaaahhh I hate it when you find cc you like, think you grabbed it, realized you didn't and have no idea which of a billion livejournals it was on. Sigh.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rosewin


      Good luck. I am still finding stuff in there that I have never seen before.

    3. cherubim97


      What about looking in your browser's history?

    4. tessalion13


      Ohhhh that's a genius idea! Must remember to try that tonight!

  24. work from home days rock! (staring at her sims of course)

  25. really needs to get on posting updates from Uberlicious, I'm playing over a rotation ahead of my updates!

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