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Status Updates posted by Eliza

  1. Insomnia, sucks! These are the nights that being able to Sim are a blessing. Tonight, not so much, ah well soonish we hope!

  2. Insomnia.sigh.what to do what to do.

  3. Installing we will go, installing we will go, hi ho the sims we go, installing we will go!! *BIG CHEESY GRIN*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Firestaar1
    3. WolfMoon
    4. RedMallie


      Fingers crossed, un crossed, and crossed again. Hope you are busy playing now!

  4. Is calling it a night, err morning, my head is killing me. Please, please don't let it be a migraine!!

    1. Rosewin


      Hope it's gone by the time your wake up Eliza.

    2. Katelinjens


      I hope you are feeling much better today!

    3. Eliza


      Thanks guys, I took some meds & went to bed, seems I beat it to the punch, so I'm good now!

  5. Is feeling decidedly under the weather, crawling off to bed, may die for a couple of days. Night all!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kimi


      Get rest and take care of yourself. *tucks in*

    3. TwistedSister


      Have a good sleep, and get well soon!

    4. Signy
  6. Is Gearing up for a Weekend of Fun&Games *Literally* Snickers, I've got the entire weekend to play around with my Sims. Look out guys there could be pictures!! Hee Hee

  7. Is Popping in between Thunderstorms! We've had 2 roll through my area, one this afternoon, and one just 1/2 hour ago! Sound in the distance tells me more is a coming!!

  8. Is slowly realizing she feels at home in this crazy place. Which is strange cause she's only been here less then a week!

    1. Firestaar1


      Yeah this home away from home is good about that!

    2. Katelinjens


      This is definitely a beautiful home away from home!

    3. Senhime


      That's good ^^

  9. Is trying to figure out the meaning of life, and all the intracacies that are FAMILIA! Sigh, Why Me?

    1. arathea


      The first part: 42

    2. nixicole


      Lol! I loved that movie! Eliza, I think we all have those days. Wanna trade?

    3. Kimi


      Great book, arathea! Loved all of them. :) Eliza, sometimes you just have to breathe and let it go.

  10. Little down today, it's my little brother's birthday, if he'd lived passed 11 he'd be 39 today! Happy Bday Bobby where ever you may be roaming!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kimi
    3. InsaneInTheBrain


      *hugs* Happy birthday to him

    4. Eliza


      Thanks guys, 2 times of the year I tend to get a little mopy & think about him, but as they say life goes on!

  11. Never rains but it pours, sigh, someone open the bar I need a drink!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedMallie


      That's what I thought. He's been too quiet, heehee.

    3. Eliza


      Drat, *makes note to train one of the pool boys to mix drinks* LOL

    4. Chicken0895


      You don't need to train him. Just use Master Controller to max his mixology skill :)

  12. Pokes head in the Asylum back door, and snorts a little smoke to stir things up. Hey Dragons got have fun somehow LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eliza


      mmm, "magicly delicious' oh wait that's lucky charms, tee hee

    3. RedMallie


      watch it or they will "magically" sue you for using their slogan, hee hee

      *turns around to warm her sweet bum in the dragon's smoke* =D

    4. Rosewin


      *trips over dragon in the smoke*

  13. Quick note to let ya all know I'm still kickin, apologies for lack of xmas wishes! Hopefully new year will see me back into thee swing of things!!

    1. nixicole


      Glad you're still around! Real life gets like that - we're all feeling it. Hope you have a Happy New Year!

    2. RedMallie


      There you are!! :D No worries, your lair is still kind of warm from the last time you were around, and the funnies are still hilarious!

    3. Firestaar1


      *Mega Hug* So good to see you!

  14. RED alert! Dragon sighting, sliding down the main Asylum hallway, News at 11!! Yes I'm still around gang, just uber busy!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedMallie


      *grabbing her dragon fire proof outfit* :) 'bout time! It was getting a bit cool in here, hehee! JK

    3. Signy


      Do dragons wear socks for sliding?

    4. RedMallie


      those with a cute puff ball in the back?

  15. Scary how quickly time gets away from you! I'm still, stupidly busy but I think of you guys often!

    1. Firestaar1


      *hug* Hope life settles for you soon!

    2. RedMallie


      Glad to hear you're up and running, girl!!! Biiiiggg hugggssss! :D

  16. Sigh, get the HD problems fixed, now my cpu fan is conky & will only let me safely use my Desk top for 15 min stretches, AAaargh!!

    1. RedMallie


      Aaaaaarghhhh!!! Indeed. :( I could only suggest you use your desktop outdoors but I am guessing you could not type well with the gloves on your hands, right?

  17. Sigh, just so *bleeping* tired of spinning my wheels in the mud of life & not getting anywhere, What's the point of even trying anymore?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. keyqueen


      Know exactly how you feel. "Hugs"

    3. nixicole


      *hug* Fire and Red covered it best. PM me if you need to talk.

    4. Eliza


      Thanks all, appreciate the support,*huggles*

  18. Sigh, life marches on, family/personal problems have kept me away. Hopefully things have settled & I'll manage to turn things right side up shortly!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedMallie


      hope everything settles down well for you. *reminds self to send over more clueless tourists to the Dragon's lair*

    3. Signy


      Just remember to blow raspberries.

    4. Katelinjens


      I do hope that things settle down quickly for you! *hugs*

  19. Sigh, plug & play my tooshie, LOL the joys of having to install everything from scratch BLERGH

    1. RedMallie


      Do not complain, for you now have the chance to play. ;) :D

    2. Eliza


      Okay,true, very very true!! Must remember how long I've been without the ability to Sim while sorting out the treasures!! LOL

    3. RedMallie


      I think that will help you savor the instant you get to see the game exactly the way you want it even more!!! I know I love that feeling, too! :D

  20. Sigh, sometimes I wonder why I even bother.another job rejection! Sigh, anyone need a farm hand or babysitter?

    1. RedMallie


      Cheer up, girl!!! Keep on looking, there's something out there for you, you'll see.

    2. Firestaar1


      Then that's not the job you're meant to have. *hug* I know how frustrating it is. The important thing is you get back up and keep trying. We're rooting for you!

    3. Kivak


      Yes it took me three years to get the job I wanted its frustrating but so worth the wait, now I am one happy camper. Keep trying you will get it, I hear its very tough in the US right now on jobs.

  21. Sigh! still here, though plugging along slowly on an oudated laptop, hoping for parts for the PC for my B-day keep yur fingers crossed for me!!

  22. SIGH!! Therapy helps, but Screaming is so much cheaper, & profanity is a therapy all its own.LOL Still Alive & kicking gang!!

    1. RedMallie


      Great to hear you roar!!!! :D

    2. nixicole


      *hugs* Hope things get better!

    3. michalien


      I scream too, from time to time ;)

  23. Still around & peeking in, right now I'm still only lurking, cause I'm not able to play my Sims still. Hopefully before to much longer I'll have things to share! Luvs & Misses you all! Big Dragon Sized Hugs!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Firestaar1


      Yay! So good to see you!

    3. FiresMissGrace


      Tourists exist? *Shocked face*

    4. RedMallie


      Well, they exist briefly in town just before we send them off the Dragon's way, hee hee hee.

  24. Still hangin in there, scales are a little dull, and Flame is set to Minimum to conserve energy, sigh, want sunshine and flowers, even if the later makes me sneeze.

    1. RedMallie


      *gets scale polish and rag out. Gulps, and gets ready to give dragon scales a shine.* *hopes, if she tickles dragon, dragon will not sneeze fire on her*

    2. Firestaar1


      *nuzzles dragon, and gives special dragon herbal energy boost*

  25. This next week is going to be a bit Rough, for me, the anniversery of my younger brothers death is coming up & though it's been close to 30 odd years it still hits me rather hard, cause he'll forever be 11 years old in my memories. So I'll apoligise now for being exceptionally quiet in the coming days

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