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Status Updates posted by nixicole

  1. Hope everybody's having a good weekend! If not, well, here, I'll share my Reese's miniatures with you. And hugs.

    1. Signy


      Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Oreos. That's all I'm sayin'.

  2. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, and has a marvelous Monday!

  3. Hope everyone enjoyed/is enjoying their weekend.

    1. michalien


      Can say that, because I finished my project before schedule. Thanks.

  4. Hope everyone gets to enjoy their weekend. I shall be working, then simming in Midnight Hollow, and hiding the potato salad from CW until she reports that her projects are done. :P

    1. michalien


      Thanks Nixi - I doubt that I will have a good weekend since my flu culminated yesterday. But you enjoy s much as you can. :-)

  5. Hope everyone had a good Monday - or is having a good recovery from it! ;)

    1. Signy


      That's what the rum is for. ;-)

    2. Signy


      That's what the rum is for. ;-)

    3. nixicole


      Agreed - well, my version is the fudge brownies my sis made. :D

  6. Hope everyone had a good weekend! Monday, here I come!

    1. RedMallie


      I hope your Monday is going well!!! I've just finished my chores for the day, so Simming away now!!! :)

  7. Hope everyone had a great weekend! (Can I come visit your house for the next one?) :) Have an awesome Monday!

  8. Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and a safe Black Friday, and that my mom ordered Supernatural and Seasons for me, since they were both 50% off yesterday.

    1. jvrd12


      that's awesome. Seasons is awesome, and I can't live without fairies' "Bloom" now from Supernatural. it feels like cheating but who cares. x) I hope you enjoy your playing time!

    2. Cohzaku


      Got a good Tablet AND a 32 GB micro SD for about $90 less than the latter on Amazon, a speaker for our Telly, and.well, that's it.

  9. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I shall endeavor to get my Monday off to the right start with a bubble bath now. :)

  10. Hope everyone has a fantabulous Friday!

  11. Hope everyone has a fantabulous weekend - enough for the both of us, because I'll be working!

    1. RedMallie


      I'll be thinking of you, girl!

  12. Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend! *hugs*

    1. Sleepycat


      Thank you! you too!

  13. Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!

    1. MadameButterfly


      Thank-you! Have a great one Nixicole!

    2. InsaneInTheBrain


      Hope you have a great day also!

  14. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    1. Sleepycat


      Thank you. I hope you do too. :)

    2. nixicole
  15. Hope everyone has an awesome weekend! (At least I'm working early shifts!)

  16. Hope everyone has had a fantabulous weekend! (I got homemade pizza.) Nobody work too hard this week - I know the holidays can be a stressful time for some.

    1. RedMallie


      I've been going over my to do list for the holidays, mostly a lot of cooking, hee hee, but I found some time to play, more than that, to fix an issue that was crashing my game.

      Just a few more days until Christmas now!! :)

    2. Kivak


      No stress here, Wolfie does the stress for me. LOL

    3. RedMallie


      Lucky man, hahaha!

  17. Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season! (Or just enjoying their season, if you don't celebrate the holiday.)

  18. Hope everyone is having a good week!

    1. Eliza


      Meh had better, had worse. Just wish I could shake this blasted cough!

  19. Hope everyone is having a good weekend - and Happy Daytona 500 day if your family is as into it as my mom.

  20. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!`

    1. psyseed


      thank you :) i wish you the same 4 weekend.

    2. Katelinjens


      I hope that you are having a good weekend, too! *hugs*

  21. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

  22. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    1. RedMallie
    2. Wolfenblu


      Hope you are too, so far so good except I am soooo tired Kivak had a night off last night lol.

    3. RedMallie


      show off, hahahahaa!!! ;)

  23. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  24. Hope everyone survived Monday and has a terrific Tuesday!

  25. Hope everyone survived their Monday okay! I was excited to get a couple to-dos checked off - not so much about having to go gluten-free. :9

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