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Status Updates posted by nixicole

  1. Hope everyone's having a good weekend!

  2. Hope everyone's having a good weekend!

    1. michalien


      Thank you. You too!

  3. Hope everyone's New Year gets off to the right start. Stay healthy, everyone!

    1. Katelinjens


      I hope you will have a wonderful New Year! *hugs*

    2. SatansSprite


      Too late for me with the stay healthy part. Been fighting a sore throat for almost a week now.

    3. Signy


      Happy New Year!

  4. Hope everyone's summer is off to a good start!

  5. Hope everyone's week got off to a good start! *eyeballs the bag of Reese's eggs and thinks about the strawberries in the fridge*

    1. Signy


      *munches another Reese's* I've been thinking of these all day at work. Enjoy!

  6. Hope everyone's year has gotten off to a fantabulous start! *hugs*

  7. Hope I didn't piss the boss off too much when I refused to come in to work on my day off. My laundromat isn't 24 hours, though, and I was out of clean jeans!!! Hope everyone is having a good week!

  8. Hope nobody else had a crappy day. :(

  9. Hope you all have a good Monday

  10. Hopefully, the chiropractor gets me started on the way back to feeling better today. Everyone have a fantabulous Monday! (wish me luck! *looks scared at idea of going to work*)

    1. michalien


      I'm with you in all that can support you and hjelp you to come to full recovery. Sorry to hear that you suffering. Many hugs.

  11. Hoping to get to play tonight. And shower. And do some laundry.Man, this week has been crazy!

  12. How do the ellipses users get them to work on this site? I may be crazy (may? hah!), but I've seen them, I know I have!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nixicole


      :P I'd overuse them anyway. :)
    3. Firestaar1


      LOL I think it's only forum owners or moderators that are able to use ellipses

    4. Loralie0512


      I think I use them.

  13. How is it that somebody can always say something in just such a way as to incite argument when there is any other way to say it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nixicole


      Or my dad wants clocked upside the head with the cast iron skillet. He didn't raise a daughter who'll not argue back. I'd hate to ruin the skillet, though. Those are expensive.

    3. Nyxie


      lol. My great-grandma had a cast iron skillet. Made delicious bacon and eggs in that bad boy.

    4. Signy


      Sounds like my dad. Mom would banish us to opposite corners of the house. Hmm, I still have her skillets too.

  14. How long does it take the rage stage of depression to pass? Cuz I should be feeling better than this by now. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nixicole


      That's second on the to do list after chiropractor. I've went through one in the past that was just straight lethargy. This is not as bad.

    3. Cloudwalker


      you knowwww, you might not need chiro, sometimes depression causes a lot of aches and pains. Please take care of yourself. There's a lot of help out there.

    4. nixicole


      I was in a car accident last year, then lifted something last weekend at work that shouldn't've been a prob. Something's off now, and not righting itself. I need chocolate.

  15. Huh. Just found an updated version of cmo's camera mod. Will have to test (once game is back up and running). Might be visiting WCIF soon.

  16. Hunting for a cute cottage w/ 2 large bedrooms and a(n expandable) basement for my vampire good/evil twins. Wish me luck!

  17. I broke CCM. Again. :-(

  18. I don't like this month so far. Hope everyone is having a good week!

  19. I fail at getting win8 to install from my repair dvd. :( I need chocolate.

    1. Rosewin


      *hands over a box from my favorite Chocolatier*

      Sounds like you need it.

    2. nixicole
  20. I fail at retrofitting Bridgeport. Jericho, here I come.

    1. Nellas


      Jericho is one of my favorite worlds!

    2. eclipsse


      Oh, yes - mine too - and it is very customisable - unlike EA worlds.

    3. nixicole


      Oh, yes. Plus, I lovelovelove the basement apartment. With some remodel, it's perfect for vamps.

  21. I feel the urge for a DL spree coming on, and I think I'm going to be in trouble, because I've avoided TSR since it went free, but it's beckoning!

  22. I finally have them!!!

  23. I find it amazing the things I learn on here. Note to self: leave out the Woohooer Scoring file from now on, unless I specifically want to use the matchmaker.

  24. I got bored and decided to try and update Sunset Valley. Because of that, I'm now contemplating CAW. Very slowly.

    1. Nellas


      Don't let it overwhelm you. It can be quite fun!

    2. Trif


      I experiment with it every once in a while, only ever made one complete world though. I enjoy it but it is very tiny.

    3. Rosewin


      It's great fun!

  25. I guess, on some level, I wondered how long it would take. Today is officially the first day I was reduced to tears because of work. :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cabelle


      I'm so sorry. I hope it will get better soon. ((hugs))

    3. nixicole


      Given it's the coworkers, not the customers, I don't know, but thanx! *hugs everyone back*

    4. MysteryIslandKid


      I am sorry as well. Coworkers can be a drag, I know when I worked in retail never again.

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