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Status Updates posted by nixicole

  1. needs her nose to fall off. No joke. Sinuses are more trouble than they're worth.

    1. RavenKay


      but, where would your glasses rest?

  2. needs to update her avatar. Nevi isn't that tiny anymore!

  3. Nellas is an awesome instruction-giver. THANK YOU, Nellas!

    1. Nellas


      Ha ha ha Glad you liked!

  4. Never again letting my Mom convince me to go to the Thanksgiving Day Sales with her.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfenblu


      Thankful that Canadian Thanksgiving is in October! So we don't have all that nonsense.

    3. Signy


      There's a reason I always agree to work this day. Good excuse not to go.

    4. nixicole


      I had to go after I got off work at 5. We were at WalMart by 6. :(

  5. Never mind, made a whole new headache for myself. :(

  6. Never mind. Called in to help on the overnight shift a few hours = off tomorrow night! I was gonna be up til at least 4 am, anyway. 6:30 ain't even stretchin it.

  7. Nevi is at the vet. :-( Bright side - laundry is done for a couple weeks and I still have time to sim before work!

    1. Wolfenblu


      Good to hear, hope all goes well.

    2. Katelinjens


      I hope all will be OK!

    3. WolfMoon


      I wish I could do laundry for a couple of weeks, hope all goes well at the vet.

  8. New day, fresh start. Ttyl.

    1. MysteryIslandKid


      Hope you have a great one Nixicole

  9. New day. Goal: Don't repeat yesterday's mistake. Then I"m off for two days. Thinking of trying CAW. Man, I'm feeling brave today!

  10. New default skins and a "cleaned up" Pleasantview - time to go try to make Brandi have twins!

  11. New lenses and contacts are expensive!

    1. x0101x


      I know your pain. You don't know how much money you can spend for glasses. But this hehe, however, in my opinion a very good investment.

      I spent a lot of money recently when I had to change my own glasses. But I love my glasses soooo much. Hey, what am I talkin ' about? Meh just my random mumble.

  12. New story semi-started! (Introductions have been made, at least.) :P Looking forward to posting more soon!

  13. Next 3 days off. Top of the to-do list? Update, install ITF, and PLAY! And eat leftover Halloween candy, of course!

    1. Firestaar1


      Sounds like a great plan!

  14. Next week will be better. So will tomorrow. Where's the chocolate?

  15. No maternity leave mod, here I come!

  16. No work tomorrow = Play Time Tonight!

  17. Not going to sim all night again *as she waits for TS3 to load at 2:13 am*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedMallie


      Yeah, been there. -sigh- bad for one's mood the day after, though.

    3. nixicole


      Not if one has the day off and can sleep all day because she lives with her parents so her mom feeds the cat. :)

    4. Rosewin
  18. Note to Self: I am not worthless. Being flawed just makes me unique, and therefore that much more valuable. The same goes for you. *hugs*

  19. Note to self: Leave plenty of floor space in the Pantheon of Simgods for hugfests. Giant ones.

  20. Note to self: witches make EXCELLENT collectors! :D

  21. Nothing like people to ruin a good day that was making a bad week get better. Hope everyone else is having a good week! (We're halfway there!)

  22. NOW I really do have all the EPs and SPs I wanted (so much for waiting to reward myself!). Just wish I'd checked origin this morning before going to WalMart. $5 for the base game online. :(

    1. Rosewin


      I always like hard copy better.

    2. nixicole


      Yeah, and those are one sale, too, for the eps and sps.

  23. Of course, I'm gone for a couple days and there are updates for TS3 at Nraas. Lol!

    1. KayBee


      Are these for the Origin patch or are they also for 1.67. I was thinking about playing TS3 again so if those need updating I'll need them, but I didn't install the origin patch. I'm on 1.67 (or I think that's what it's called)

    2. Great8Girl


      I'm still on 1.67, too. I see no need to "update" to 1.69 myself.

    3. nixicole


      They are coding updates. They are listed as working with patch 1.63-1.69 on each page. I never update to 1.69, myself.

  24. Of course, the Grand Juror Summons would be fore during my vacation. Lol! Oh, well. It's definitely something new!

  25. Of course. Now that I have 3 worlds to install, the TS3 EA launcher isn't working. :(

    1. RedMallie


      Patience, patience.and a drink or two. ;)

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