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Status Updates posted by Nellas

  1. Time for my Randoms!

    1. Trif


      Hooray, I do enjoy watching how those pan out.

    2. Nirar22
    3. tessalion13
  2. Tired and can't sleep BAH!

    1. Trif


      I would offer to sing twinkle twinkle little star if you think it would help.


  3. Today is the day that I am going to get shit done! .oh hi there internet.

    1. Trif


      Lol, for some reason even with the internet around, I believe you.

    2. Cloudwalker
    3. Nellas


      ha ha yeah, i fail. Off to grab stuff from CW's XD

  4. Told Cortana to bring up Naughty Sims Asylum.got "not a fan of Thailand" :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nellas


      Oh awesome! I was digging through settings and could not find it. Thanks!

    3. SatansSprite


      I'd love to mess around with Cortana, sadly not available for me though

    4. Nellas


      well, she is now bringing up bing searches in google. I think it is time for her to take a nap.

  5. Too sick to move, think I will reinstall TS3 and then play Ts2 for a bit. Or sleep.yeah, probs going to sleep

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Firestaar1


      Oh no! Another one down! Get better soon!

    3. Rosewin


      Feel better Nell. *hug*

    4. RedMallie


      Hope you are taking plenty of rest and feel better soon.

  6. Tosses story out the window and starts over.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nyxie


      That's never fun. I had to do the same thing with Paper Heart. I hope it comes out the way you want it to this time.

    3. Rosewin


      Blah! Hope the next start is awesome for you and takes off.

    4. Katelinjens


      I do hope that this one will go well for you!

  7. Trif! Is there anything that you can not fix? THANK YOU!

    1. Trif


      Aw. It was my pleasure to help you out, you are most welcome. Now I will have to blush though.<grin>

      T<---turns blue---<<<

    2. tessalion13


      *scratches head* Blue is not the color of blushing.

    3. Trif


      Yeah, I keep waiting for her to toss in a Maize with it though so I can cycle scarlet and grey


  8. Trying to get sneaky surprise stuff together. Would be easier if Sims would stop woohooing every time I turned my back!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SatansSprite


      Did someone say sneaky surprise stuff?! I am very interested in that

    3. Signy


      Seriously? You expected otherwise?

    4. Nellas


      I really should use the pause more often!

  9. Trying to pack and just found my college basketball jersery.pretty sure we were supposed to turn those in. >.<

    1. Trif


      Memory is the first to go.<grin>

    2. MadameButterfly
  10. TS2 is working! and my DL folder is flipping Tessa the bird. So many pretties!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Loralie0512


      Oh man mine is pretty lacking but that is because work has gotten in the way of my download spree :P

    3. Rosewin


      My TS3, hardly any CC and a lot of store content.

      TS2, no store content but every single scrap of CC still safely backed up and ready to go. >.<

    4. Wolfenblu


      Yay! Go Nellas Go Nellas!

  11. Turn around and have a house full of boys ages 7-9.:/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kivak


      Welcome to my house except its 5 to 10 and add one girly type our niece.

    3. Kivak


      Soon as she gets off runescape she is posting pictures she is thinking of in Wolfden

    4. Wolfenblu


      Dear you posted in the wrong place, anyway he is right, its like our house when I am not at work.

  12. Turn it up a little louder, turn it up, I love this song.

    1. Trif


      Just a little bit louder hm?

      T<---cranks sound system to max---<<<

    2. nixicole


      *gives Trif a thumbs up!*

  13. Turn my back on my boys for a moment.Aoi has the 'married' moodlet but Ransom doesn't? D:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rosewin


      Aoi is just messing with your head. :P

    3. Nellas


      There is nothing new there hmm? Ransom is too busy rolling TFBs to bother with this marriage stuff.

    4. tessalion13
  14. Turtle Brownies.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfenblu


      Nice Nellas. So far we have two bucks, half a lamb, and a quarter of a buffalo from my grandfather. Akeema and I are going to try get another couple of young bucks or an elk. Oh I almost forgot two wild turkeys.

    3. Nellas


      I am so jealous of the turkeys! I was SO hoping for at least one. Never had elk.

    4. Trif


      I had Elk once, it was not prepared well though so did not think much.

  15. Two shots and a crap ton of antibios later.I still feel like poo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      Hope you don't look like poo. >.<

      Mixes more honey and lemon and passes it over.

    3. michalien


      You'll recover. Nothing can break you down. Strong women like you never endures sickness long. ;-)

    4. Firestaar1


      Oh get better soon!

  16. Ugggh!! Writing along, really on a roll, getting to the steamy part and BAM. Out of paper!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. keyqueen


      Paper ye I read about that stuff in am amrican history class. Just kiding, I use it in all my classes. sirusly agreed though that is every writers weirst nightmare.

    3. Wolfenblu


      I hate that, which reminds me I need more paper too. I am sorry Nellas I hate when I run out and the ideas are flowing.

    4. Nellas


      Wooo! I am stocked up now though! Store had loose paper for 10cents per 150. I might have went overboard

  17. UGh Error 12s~ how I hate you!

    1. Trif


      You realize that considering I got this with the, um, demo, one would think they would have resolved it by now. This is so the pits from this game. Snugs.

    2. Great8Girl


      *hugd Nellas* oh how I have been there. Still am, it seems, and now I get them even when making houses!

    3. Nellas


      Yeah, this was a new hood with only 3 sims (plus NPCs) in it <_<

  18. Ugh long day! Didn't have time for sims, Aion just keeps kicking me off the server so I played Drakensang again for the first time in well over a year. I had forgotten how much fun it was!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Firestaar1


      How have they nerfed it?

      My biggest reason for not playing it anymore- besides well Aion- is because of the VERY limited character customization options, and how some areas they just had too difficult to do alone. You know me, I only like grouping up with those that I know.

    3. Nellas


      My ranger just solo'd the tomb of kings in Kingshill (on level) I was much higher before I came back to fight there alone and did not do so well then. The new mounts and such are pretty cool though. I am still exploring all the new worlds though.

    4. Trif


      Yeah it is so easy to beat the big guy in the tomb now it is not funny. I had a problem the other day when Aion went down for emergency maintenance, it took me about 15 minutes to remeber my logins and passwords. I noticed they even nerfed some of the new stuff, My 38 ranger was able to enter the previously level 40 mountain world and not get immediately killed. )leaves typo in search of coffee)

  19. Ugh my joints just gave me the finger. "you wanted to move today, LOLNO!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Signy


      Funny, CW. Thunderstorms here and pain.

    3. tessalion13


      *passes out coffee, alcohol and pain meds to everyone*

    4. Trif


      Thank you, much appreciated.

  20. Ugh this weekend was crazy! Not ready for monday!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Katelinjens


      I hope this week goes better for you. *hugs*

    3. Firestaar1


      *joins Nellas in the not ready for Monday corner*

    4. Rosewin


      I blinked and kind of missed Monday. Can't really believe it's already September.

  21. Ugh, shopping all day. *sigh*

    1. Trif


      Makes for a long day, but I do hope you find everything you need, and on sale! Will set up a fresh drink at the bar for you when you return.


  22. Ugh, so over slept!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trif


      Oh good deal, they must want you to take them to the park or something today. I am installing an OS, and trying to get it to install unsigned drivers.

    3. Nellas


      I know what the pancake maker wanted XD The kids though yes, they still just enjoy doing special things for mommy.

    4. Trif


      Heh, good deal. I hope they never tire of making mommy feel special!

  23. Ugh! and what is that? More ugh!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tessalion13


      Brings cookies to dip in coffee.

    3. Nellas


      mmmm You two take good care of me <3

    4. Trif


      So very happy that we do a good job for you. Let us know if you require anything further to brighten the day.

  24. ugh! Internet hiccuped and ate my contest update. *time to open the bar I think*

    1. Trif


      Oh boo.

      T<---searches for keys---<<<

    2. RedMallie


      sorry to hear that, Nellas!!! Hope you are enjoying the bar? ;D

  25. Ugh! Photoshop has kicked my butt tonight. I don't think this graphic is going to get done >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trif


      Oooh, wonders if it is a naughty graphic, or just something, graphical.

    3. Nellas


      It is a book cover actually.

    4. Trif


      Ooohhh Very cool! Pesters Stacey to go to the bookstore.

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