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Status Updates posted by TwistedSister

  1. That feeling when you realize your Prince Charming was just another toad after all._.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Signy


      I'm with Fire. *hugs*

    3. RedMallie


      I think we should catch up on our frog's legs cooking, huh?

    4. Wolfenblu


      LMAO Red. I am sorry don't give up after all I did find Kivak.

  2. TS3 or TS4: which one to get?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. x0101x


      And genius The sims 3 moders as Asril and Icarus, make a fantastic mods for TS3

    3. arathea


      With TS4 be aware of frequent patches and the need for updated mods.

    4. karrere


      TS3 Open World, TS4 Closed World, it depends on your style of game play.

  3. New card is here, installed, and working perfectly. :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BoilingOil


      Congratz, TS! YAY for perfectly working new parts!

    3. bluegenjutsu


      Happy for you, TS!

    4. MadameButterfly
  4. Nothing heals a broken heart like time, Sims, and support from awesome friends. :) *grouphug*

  5. Wondering whether it's worth installing UC for a few missing SPs, or just keep using my current install until the game blows up one day. xD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tessalion13


      since you didn't already have them I'm guessin gyou don't want them that badly :)

    3. TwistedSister


      I do still want the SPs (okay, mostly TSS and IKEA), but I never could afford/find the physical copies. I'm a sucker for that 'new game' smell. :3

    4. Sleepycat


      I will admit that I would probably uninstall and then install the UC for some of the SPs (if I didn't already have them). Gotta have them all!! lol

  6. is contemplating giving this Nanowrimo thing a try.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Signy


      It's a challenge to write 50,000+ words on a novel by the end of November. In theory even finish the novel.

      Good luck, TS!

    3. Wolfenblu


      Oh cool I will do it too even if it is for Americans.

      I need to rewrite For Richer or Poorer

      ::wonders if I can install my ancient Word program on this new computer.

    4. Signy


      It's international, Wolfie. There's a website you can sign up at.

  7. Can't zip them up yet, but I'm finally able to fit into the jeans I couldn't last spring. Woot! =D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. arathea
    3. Cohzaku


      *Is about to say it doesn't count, but decides to be nice*


      Actually, I've done that too. I was so happy I fit into some of my ol' 'too-tiny' pants, I just wore a really long top and jacket and walked around with the zipper down XD

    4. KierneM


      <---- is guilty of same thing

  8. Busy cleaning up what looked to be a pretty DL'ed house, turned out to be chock full of fail. xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TwistedSister


      This one was just that, Mimm! It was gorgeous in the picture, but nigh unplayable. There were garden plots stacked 2-3 deep, ten bajillion flowers and bushes that lagged like hell, and most couldn't be trimmed/watered due to blockage by fences or being up on foundations. And the foundation itself had so many issues, I ended up nuking everything to the ground and rebuilding.

    3. arathea


      There are mods for trimming and watering inaccessible plants. ;)

    4. TwistedSister


      Oh, I know there are, and I have them somewhere (just not in-game atm). Still doesn't help the lag though.

  9. Trying my hand at a bit of modding: looks good so far, nothing's went BOOM yet. :D

  10. Been in lurk mode too long, soooo much to catch up on! xD

  11. Played half a dozen kingdoms, completed all but 4-5 ambitions, and TSM still hasn't lost its shine. :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Katelinjens


      I am glad you are enjoying it. I quit because my sim(s) could never make the moustache wax even following directions completely. It wouldn't show up (even greyed out) so I quit since I could have platinum completion on the kingdom.

    3. doren


      I quit playing when the game deleted the existing townies and the queen's oldest son. It made me hate the Pirates & Nobles EP.

    4. Wolfenblu


      Glad you are having fun. Ah Doren that would so suck!

  12. Shook off the last bits of writer's block, and finally have an entry started for the contest! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Katelinjens


      That is fantastic!

    3. RedMallie


      And it is an amazingly creative one!!!! Loved it!!!

    4. InsaneInTheBrain


      I am liking it! Can't wait for the next update!

  13. I finally got a job! *proceeds to do a happy jig*

  14. Is going on an adventure! Be back soon. :)

  15. Home at last! DC was great, left there with a much lighter wallet, a few souvenirs and some great memories.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfenblu


      Sounds like a good time.

    3. TwistedSister


      A good time indeed! I got to experience my first train ride (12 hours both ways), stayed in a nice hotel (also a first), and even got to see a good chunk of the Smithsonian. The luck with the weather was icing on the cake. :D

    4. Wolfenblu


      Oh I have always wanted to see the Smithsonian and I love a good train ride so relaxing compared to other modes of transportation.

  16. Can't seem to shake this 'blah' feeling. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      *Shakes TS' blah and tells it to wrack off!*

    3. Katelinjens


      I hope you have gotten rid of that feeling!

    4. Kivak


      Me too its not fun.

  17. All I want for Christmas is a good night's sleep! Do NOT like being up for 24+ hours at a time. >.>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sleepycat
    3. jenniferw23


      Have you tried TFM's Slower Motive Decay mod? Or enticing the Sandman to visit you? Neither worked for me either but I hope you get that good night's sleep one way or another. "hugs"

    4. tessalion13
  18. F*k sleep, my writing muse is back! Now to get these ideas down before it takes off again! =D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nellas


      Grab her and pin her down!!

    3. Rosewin


      Go girl! Grab it while you can.

    4. Firestaar1


      Yay for muse returning!!

  19. Loading up Sims 2 for the first time in weeks, can't wait see my Sims again! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Loralie0512
    3. WolfMoon


      Yay I have so missed playing as well since my game borked and I lost my legacy I haven't really played I should have time soon

    4. Wolfenblu


      I can't wait to play, I have all the pictures for my first chapter I need to finish writing it.

  20. Brand new hard drive, DOA. So much for getting my computer running today. :(

  21. Risk of SecuROM be damned: if I can't have my mountains of CC, I need the rest of the EPs. Just having up to Seasons is boring as hell! xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfenblu
    3. Nellas


      There are supposed to be ways to remove it.

    4. Eliza


      Can't say that I've ever really had troubles with it, and it's not just Sims 2 that has it, Sims 3 disks apparently have it as well, & I've run those just fine. *shrugs* don't know, what to tell ya

  22. You never realize how much you depend on someone until they're gone, and their burdens become yours.

  23. Sorry for being so scarce lately, I ran into a bit of a distraction <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TwistedSister


      Not as much an 'it' as a 'he', and yes, very fun! :)

    3. Firestaar1


      Then congrats are in order!

    4. InsaneInTheBrain


      I like 'he" distractions!

  24. Just when I'd all but given up, I found my muse. <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Signy


      If you happen to spot mine running by, bash it over the head for me will ya?

    3. Rosewin



      Ask it if it's seen Bert lately, he has wondered off again.

    4. Wolfenblu


      I told you it would happen, I wasn't looking when I found Kivak.

  25. Depression has a fun of way of taking the grandest of your plans and saying "Nope."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedMallie


      Big hug, girl. Fight it.

    3. nixicole


      *hugs* For sure. At my worst, I sleep all the time. Please message me if you need to talk. I check in here daily most of the time.

    4. Sleepycat
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