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Status Updates posted by RedMallie

  1. My brother gave me TS4 Cats and Dogs for Christmas!!! :smiletooth:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kimi


      Wow! Awesome. I hope you have lots of fun with it.

    3. RedMallie


      It was a nice gift indeed!!! Thank you, Fzzy and Kimi!!! I'm just waiting for my duties as a hostess to end to start creating my new TS4 pets. :evilone2:

    4. Loralie0512
  2. Some people are simply F****** Douchebags.

    1. Klinn


      Awwww --- :bighug:

      At least you know you can always come here for hugs and to see the good side of life. Hope things get better!

    2. Kimi


      :cookiejar: Have cookies and you'll feel better.

    3. RedMallie


      Klinn!! Hello! Thank you for the hugs!! :heart:

      Kimi!!! Yummy cookies!!! Nom, nom, nom. :yourethebest:

  3. Guilty of going on a totally unnecessary but ooh so satisfying downloading spree. :batlashes:

    1. Firestaar1


      I did that Saturday, and yes it was quite satisfying indeed!

  4. Well, the Asylum looks trendier somehow. :wub: Was it an update or a new choice?

    1. Kimi


      I thought the same thing! It's kind of shiny new with still having that feeling of comfortableness. And it's the update that TFM was planning on doing before the hurricane hit her area. She got it upgraded yesterday. :)

    2. Nellas


      I am glad it is not just me! I came in and glanced around and then went to make more coffee cause I thought my brain wasn't working right. 

    3. RedMallie
  5. For our Lady of the Whip and out Moderators: large supplies of chocolate bars, popcorn, ice cream, and a crate of the booze of your preference for each. Thank you for keeping our Asylum what it is!! :heart:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nellas


      That and young or not, they only have so much stamina :P

    3. RedMallie
    4. Chicken0895


      :giggle2:  Always good be be organized Red. Then you can make the most of their "time" during working hours.


      **Has no idea where the beak marks on the chocolate came from**

  6. Max Riemelt. Smiling.

  7. ISZ, please! I need my softy jacket! The white one with the buckles, pleaseeee?

    1. arathea


      *steals Red's jacket and runs*

    2. RedMallie


      *runs after Arathea* Noooooooooooooooo!!!

  8. in a building mood

    1. Misty


      What are you building? :)

    2. RedMallie


      I am practicing building techniques such as the sloped? ceilings, or the barn/attic type ceilings. I am attempting to stick to a minimum of CC and see how I like the houses I can make so. :wink2:

  9. Sometimes you don't know what you are wishing for, and only when you get it, you realize that it was not as good as you had hoped. :laughter:

    1. Sindocat


      Oh - frequently!  I could give a 12 week seminar in Expectation v. Reality.  Knowing what you actually want is like Level 10 Self-Examination. Hopefully, you still were able to appreciate what you got for what it was. :)

  10. *feels for our hard working moderators* :heart:

    1. Kimi


      :sillysqueeze: TFM is working overtime! I just get to read. 

  11. First time that a Plantsim autonomously blows a kiss to my Sim, and of course, my game crashed!

    1. Rosewin
    2. FzzyDg8


      I don't think I've seen that either.  Sorry to hear of your crash, I would have like to have seen that!

  12. A fantastic work related long weekend, yay!!!! Except for lunch and a movie with friends tomorrow, the rest is playtime for me!!!!!

    1. MadameButterfly


      I hope you are enjoying your playtime, Red! :claphigh:

  13. is getting the building bug, again!

  14. is trying to learn new building techniques in TS3.

  15. is apparently missing certain buttons (on the screen, of course). :)

  16. is in a building mood. Put away your hammers!!

    1. Eliza


      slowly step away from the power tools, offers up nice well oiled pool boy instead, LOL

    2. RedMallie


      Well oiled pool boy is being well used. Thank you. :innocent:

  17. is going to find out which of the three beaus got her self sim pregnant. :thinking-hard-smiley-emoticon:

  18. Has been abducted by the Netflix goblins.* Please! Just one more episode, please!!!

    1. Nellas


      I think I said that while rewatching Doctor Who from Hartnell on.

    2. RedMallie


      It is SO difficult to just stick to watching one or two episodes, isn't it? Scary, hehehehe!!!

  19. In the mood for playing, .and building, and playing, and

  20. Diving through over 13Gb of CC to sort out what's what and what's definitely NOT that.

  21. Well, I don't care much for the ending of Haven (ScyFy channel). Blahhh!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RedMallie


      Mine too. I really liked the chemistry he had with Audrey, but mostly, I just liked him.

    3. InsaneInTheBrain


      I'm waiting for the last part to be on Netflix. I am sad to see it end.

    4. RedMallie


      Yeah, bleh. ;)

  22. Looking at my new desktop background puts a smile on my face. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedMallie


      Yep, another big smile right now, hahaha!!!! :D

    3. eclipsse


      Not at all surprised - at either the smile or the drool!

    4. RedMallie


      Too busy to reply, heavy drooling and smiling here. :D *thinks she's in the right place for people who drool, hehehee*

  23. Spent over 4 hours helping a friend get hospitalized to treat an infection on her wisdom tooth. Sad to say public health is depressing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedMallie


      Thanks! She's under intravenous meds, so she's feeling way better, hehehe! No idea when she will be moved from the ER, so no visitors for now. I'll sneak in tomorrow, though. ;)

    3. nixicole


      Give her a hug from me. I hope they can get it fixed for her quickly.

    4. RedMallie


      Thanks, I had hoped so, for her, but knowing the way our health system works-slooooowly-, I'm afraid she'll spend the weekend in the ER.

  24. Merry Christmas!! I wish you health and happiness.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RedMallie
    3. Klinn


      Hope everyone's Xmas went well, and your 2016 will be even better!

    4. RedMallie


      Thank you, Klinn!!! Same to you!!! :D

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