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Everything posted by tessalion13

  1. home from the lame game back into CAS I go!

  2. Hubby got me SN (and tracked down the Limited Edition on top of that). Installing!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nirar22


      Aww, that's so sweet. :) I'm glad you're getting the game!

    3. Firestaar1


      That's so awesome!

    4. bluegenjutsu


      I'm happy for you, Tessa! I know you can't wait to start making your werewolf family!

  3. somehow exploded pictures from my Legacy game.guess it's time to post!

  4. well today just went to hell, turned down for an interview with a dream job I thought I would get. Curling up in a ball with a bottle of wine now.

  5. taking a break from my simmies since I just found an ebook I've been looking for desperately all week :)

    1. Rosewin


      Ooo, which one? Not that I need any more. XP

    2. tessalion13


      Seer of Sevenwaters, it's the fifth book of the historical fantasy set I posted about in the books thread

  6. Okay TS3 lot bug on the new house I want to play and a crash, are you trying to make me put you away again?

    1. Nellas
    2. Rosewin


      *hug* If the bug is the one I am thinking of, I am looking to see if I can find the fix for it.

  7. giving away a MIL, anyone have a bad ex they need to curse?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pope


      *Hugs* you can send her to my Ex, she may give his mother a run for her money.

    3. RavenKay


      we can offer a twofer=two for the price of one!

    4. jvrd12


      housebroken? LOL, you guys crack me up sometimes.

  8. UGHH my quiet day of laundry while MIL was away at a party has been ruined.Hubby got the day wrong, her party is tomorrow so now I have to deal with her all day :( :(

    1. Nirar22
    2. arathea


      You really should get him a calendar.

    3. tessalion13


      He has one, we have a nice dry erase one on the fridge, he just doesn't use it well

  9. going to bed now.nobody break anything!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. crinrict
    3. MadameButterfly


      LOL.there are a lot of oops here. I can't imagine what the place will be like before she gets back.

    4. tessalion13


      Haha, no worries, nothing broken yet :)

  10. enjoying playing 3 again :)

    1. Rosewin


      Yay! I haven't played for about 2 weeks now.

    2. Nellas
  11. hate.being.sick.heads so clogged up I can't focus long enough to play :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jenniferw23


      That sucks! Hope you get to feeling like your old (I mean Young) self soon.

    3. Katelinjens


      Hope you feel better real soon Tessalion. *hug*

    4. Firestaar1


      Get well soon Tessa, sick is no fun. *hug*

  12. back home and Hubby brought the Sim laptop home safe, guess what I'm doing. :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rosewin



      Oh, sorry, that's what your sims will be doing. XP

      Glad you're home safe Tessa.

    3. tessalion13
    4. cherubim97


      I'm glad the Sims are safe and sound.

  13. Spending the weekend in D.C. with almost all my closest friends, might not be around much :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xyanne
    3. Nirar22


      Sounds like lots of fun! :)

    4. Katelinjens


      Enjoy your time with your friends this weekend.:)

  14. is letting Hubby take the gaming laptop with him on his trip since he needs it for video editing, no sims until Monday :(

  15. already in an awful mood and now I have to go waste my day off with MIL and family drama.fan freaking tastic.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tessalion13


      I would like to officially secede from my family/inlaws.

    3. jvrd12


      lol, wouldn't we all sometimes? :P

    4. Rosewin


      Crud Bunnies! Hope you are rid of them by now, sorry they stole your day off. *hug*

  16. work today was a complete disastor, kick in the gut on 3 fronts.definitley need me some game therapy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tessalion13


      Did a lot of creature killing in Aion and once the grrness was gone played with the Curious family for a giggle

    3. jenniferw23


      Sometimes I hit the gym when I have a day like that. Whatever you did, I hope it worked.

    4. Wolfenblu


      Sorry it was bad for you Tess, I get on RS and go kill something too, then play my fun houses.

  17. someone stole a pepper from my garden again!! And this time the jalepeno I was going to use for homemade salsa at the party this weekend :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jvrd12


      I agree with Rosewin. I hope you find the culprit and steal back the pepper! and lol, arathea.

    3. zolabee


      I hope they have an allergic reaction. The hives kind!

    4. tessalion13


      We just have a small 5 ft square yard in front of our apartment so no fence, and because of the hill next to our place, our apartment itself doesn't get enough sun to bring them inside. Bah.

  18. can't believe we bought a new car today (well technically Hubby leased it while I hid in a book but close enough)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tessalion13


      I'm a commitment phobe thus I sent him to do it without me so I wouldn't have a panic attack at the dealership :P

    3. SatansSprite


      *sigh* i wish we could afford to do this. we got a used car last summer thats given us nothing but problems. We only got it in the first place cause we were desperate but in one year we have so far had a major gas line break and now just the other day a cracked head gasket

    4. tessalion13


      We only did it because our car that was at almost 250k miles needed $1K in repairs, and honda was running a 0 down/0 interest deal on leases :)

  19. getting caught up on Twallan's mods.holy crap there's a lot of newness!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MadameButterfly
    3. esjai


      There was actually quite a bit of newness for me, too. At least my TFM and Blue mods didn't need updating.

    4. tessalion13


      Yeah I just deleted my mods folder and started over from scratch :P

  20. starting to redownload mods so that I can finally update my game with the Showtime patch, crossing my fingers!

  21. babysitting nephews with MIL backseat parenting, someone save me!

    1. SatansSprite


      oh god, I hate people backseat parenting. My own mother tries to do it to me with my little guy at family gatherings

    2. MadameButterfly
    3. Kivak


      Not good, it confuses the kids and frustrats the Heck out of you

  22. Squee! I'm going to see Cirque du Soleil on my birthday!

  23. the big case our office is working on right now made a newspaper in Australia!

  24. Somebody stole the baby bell pepper from my garden!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MadameButterfly
    3. Rosewin


      mongrel! What ever it was.

    4. Kivak


      No I doubt if was an animal, it was a person I bet. Sad to say. Our dog likes them but he doesn't pull them off usually perfectly. And we find pieces about so he is shut out of the veggie garden.

  25. just bought tickets for my long birthday weekend trip to visit my best friends in DC, so excited!

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