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Status Updates posted by Chicken0895

  1. Twenty pages of new stuff. **Faints**

  2. U.S. Official Olympic Bid City: Los Angeles. LA 2024!

    1. Kimi


      I remember when it was there in the 80s!! Traffic was crap for weeks. :P

  3. U.S. Official Olympic Bid City: Los Angeles. Let's go, LA 2024!

  4. Ugh I keep getting corrupt save crashes. Please don't be one of my 5 billion mods that's causing this.

  5. Ugh jetlag from traveling to Israel from California is horrible (that's a 15 hour time difference in case anyone was wondering)

  6. Ugh, Monday

    1. doren


      And then comes Tuesday and Wednesday. Not much better.

  7. Ugh, Sims 3 and Anti-Virus errors at the same time, and just when I wanted to play with my Sims :(

  8. Uh, sometimes college applications do not make sense.

    1. jvrd12


      lol, and it's only the beginning. x) prepare yourself for the best years of your life (so far).

  9. Updated mods have been made. Now I'm just waiting for my new graphics card to arrive so I can test them.

    1. Rosewin


      I think I just saw it going by in a slow boat, on the southern ocean.

  10. Uploads are back online (and apparently recoded) at MTS for anyone who wants to upload stuff.

  11. Using risky woohoo for the first time, and watching my sims multiply like rabits. Or should I say like sims?

  12. Wants gellato truck for Monte Vista

  13. We're samwhiched between two wild fires and if the wind blows the wrong way we get smoke. Not enjoyable.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Firestaar1


      So very glad you're save Chicken!

    3. Kimi


      I hope you stay out of harm's way. *crosses fingers*

    4. Chicken0895


      Thanks! We'll be fine, there are a couple miles of city between us and both fires.

  14. Weirdest firedrill ever. They didn't actually use the alarm system. Just people with megaphones saying "This is an emergency evacuation drill. Please evacuate to ________"

    1. Kivak


      Very odd almost like a comedy routien

    2. Rosewin


      We used to have something similar. They could not use the real alarms because they are auto connected to emergency services. So we had a bell instead.

  15. When I'm this tired, I start wishing I could stop time so I could go back to sleep.

    1. nixicole


      I keep wishing for a pause button for rl - or, better yet, an MC that only I control!

  16. Whether or not you support Hillary, you can't ignore the history that has been made tonight.

  17. Whether or not you support Hillary, you can't ignore the history which will (likely) be made today.

  18. White fudge Oreo's are so good that it should be an international crime to sell them only at Christmas time.

    1. doren


      They discovered that with rats they have a stronger effect on their brain pleasure centre than cocaine. True. Be careful not to become an Oreo addict.

    2. Chicken0895


      I read that too, but I still think cocaine is far more addictive.

    3. jenniferw23


      I ate more junk this holiday season than I ever have. Didn't work out much either. Got to do better!

  19. Why does it suddenly feel like Wednesday?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Katelinjens


      You want the week to hurry by?

    3. jenniferw23


      Take two aspirin (or not!) and everything will be fine tomorrow (unless, of course, tomorrow feels like Thursday).

    4. nixicole


      My today felt like a Monday. :(

  20. Why is my sim randomly kissing people outside of his marrige?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jenniferw23


      Maybe your Sim is Irish.

    3. BoilingOil


      Maybe your sim isn't happy with just one partner. Maybe he is a Flirt, a Lothario.

    4. jenniferw23


      Until I looked back and noticed the "his," I thought maybe you were playing my Jennifer sim. :)

  21. Winter break is offically over. Now to start counting down the days until spring break.

    1. Firestaar1


      LOL my son already started that this morning :)

  22. Wishes everyone a happy National Cheesecake Day

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jenn


      Wait.cheesecake day isn't everyday? *cries*

    3. Wolfenblu


      LOL I love cheese cake haven't had one in a long time.

    4. Katelinjens


      That reminds me that I have some strawberry cheese cake left to eat. Yum!

  23. Woken up by an Earthquake this morning. Scared the crap out of me (the epicenter was a few miles from my house), but other than that everything is ok. Thank LA's earthquake code for buildings for that.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Chicken0895


      Thank you Jenn and Fire. Jenn, I'm sure your aunt is fine -- Garden Grove is a good 40 miles from the epicenter.

    3. Jenn


      Oh cool. That's probably low enough to barely warrant a notice that far away.

    4. Chicken0895


      Very true. I wouldn't be surprised if her response was "What earthquake?".

  24. Wow! I'm todays 2nd top poster. Only TFM herself posted more than I did :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chicken0895


      hahahaha I see what you did there!

    3. BoilingOil


      Hehe, I fully intended for you to see that :P

    4. Rosewin
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