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Status Updates posted by Chicken0895

  1. Is it cannibalism if I eat chicken?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Katelinjens


      Oh yes it is. I am making homemade chicken marsala for dinner tonight.

    3. Rosewin


      It's okay Chicken. Chickens are cannibalistic by nature.

    4. Chicken0895


      Great! Om nom nom nom!

  2. Is it just me or did my posting slow down after I hit quadruple digits?

    1. nixicole


      I remember a goal I had a few months ago to get hit 300 by the end of the month. Still hasn't happened, thank you rl.

    2. Chicken0895


      Real life is such a pain sometimes, isn't it?

    3. nixicole


      Yes! I catch myself wishing for the pause button. ;)

  3. It can't be a good sign when you know more than technical support.

    1. tessalion13


      I have this thought every time I have to call IT for work.

    2. Wolfenblu
  4. It's been more than a week since I had a proper sims session. Does it look like I have withdrawal symptoms?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rosewin


      Wondered where all those feathers were coming from.

    3. WolfMoon


      lol I haven't simmed either for a while been so busy.

    4. Chicken0895


      lol. I hope I get those feathers back.

  5. It's finally here! My new graphics card is her just in time for University. Now I just have to do that stupid homework so I can update and play.

    1. Rosewin


      Yay for the card arrival. Hope your homework passed quick.

  6. It's here! My Island Paradise is here!

  7. It's international rabbit day!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Chicken0895


      **Pelts MIK, SIngy, and WolfMoon**

    3. Chicken0895


      **Pelts MIK, SIngy, and WolfMoon**

    4. Kivak


      LOL I think I would rather have fried chicken :::grins his best carnivore grin:: (I hope you know I am messing with you chicken)

  8. It's national grouch day.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trif


      Grumble, what in the Sam Hill are you talking about.

      Dagnabbit and darnation.

    3. Cloudwalker


      kids! get off my gall-darn lawn!

    4. Wolfenblu
  9. It's official. I'm sick with a fever. I have 27 hours to get better before my birthday. Que sims therapy.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kimi


      I hop that you're feeling better today. PS. Spongebob is on.

    3. Kimi


      Um hope, not hop. Unless you like hopping.

    4. instantmagic


      Poor, sick Chicken. I'd throw a cure elixir at you if I could.

  10. It's only a matter of time before people start asking me for updates depsite saying they were coming in my jorunal

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jvrd12


      well, I was kidding. and I don't see any comments about that on your MTS journal. but then again, I'm not used to that website so I'm probably looking in the wrong section. and lol, in their defense all I saw was a single line under a table of all your mods and their current versions, stating that the 1.38 versions would be out soon. and I had to scroll down for that. I don't mind that, but most people dislike searching for stuff. it's easier to ask questions for them. :P

    3. Chicken0895


      Yeah I know, that's what the lol part was for. As for searching for it, I know people are lazy. I can't get people to look at my journal anyway, so I didn't make a separate entry for it like I probably should have.

    4. jvrd12


      awww. well, your journal has plenty of info regarding your mods, though. my suggestion is that instead of replying with the answer to each person's comment/question, you reply stating that they can find the info in your journal. that oughta "nudge" them into actually doing some looking around. :)

  11. It's Opening Day! Good luck Dodgers!

  12. It's raining, it's pouring. No seriously, it's pouring here. Good news for the drought, bad news for landslides. Trying to stay dry.

  13. It's so hard to keep up with all you blabbermouths. Everywhere I turn there is an unread post. That's what makes this forum fun and interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      Never a dull moment.

    3. Chicken0895
    4. Wolfenblu


      LOL I know try being gone like I have I refuse to mark all read I will catch up eventually

  14. It's the end of an era. Atari's U.S. subsidiarity has filed for bankruptcy.

  15. Joy, economics homework. I wonder what the demand is for homework. Negative, probably.

    1. nixicole


      Hehehe. Turn that in, instead - I dare you.

  16. Just broke the keyboard I've loved for at least five years, and it turns out it was discontinued last year **sob**

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cloudwalker


      ya, geez, I'm on my third husband. oh, wait. nevermind.

    3. Chicken0895



      Tess: That's a good idea. I might have to copy it.

    4. nixicole


      Have you tried ebay or amazon? Somebody might have a never-used one they want to get rid of.

  17. Just discovered my desktop doesn't have enough slots or power for usb 3. **Is sad**

    1. Rosewin
    2. WolfMoon


      that is too bad Chicken, but if it makes you happy my chickens have a brand new heater in their chicken house for this winter!

  18. Just discovered The ISZ's photopucket profile and all it's emoteicon glory. One word. Amazing.

  19. Just finished LA Noire. Now to catch up on my six pages of new Asylum stuff.

  20. Just finished my last final or high school! **Crosses fingers will get a good grade**

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. StarryEyedSimmer


      Yay! I remember those days. I had my last final for college--was scared I wouldn't graduate either :P

    3. keyqueen


      Lucky you mine don't start till next week. hop you got good grade's.

    4. Chicken0895


      Thanks everyone. My grades are now final. Looks like I did well on all of my finals (means I get to keep my A-average :) ). Guess who is now a high school graduate?

      **Can't wait for graduation ceremony**

      Good luck on your finals keyqueen.

  21. Just found my college's new dining commons is due this summer. I feel terrible for this year's seniors.

  22. Just found out Windows 8 is essentially $40 per computer. While still less then the retail of Windows 7, $80 is still more than I'd like to spend.

    1. Sleepycat


      I won't have a W8 computer until I buy a new one that comes with it installed.

    2. SatansSprite


      Same Sleepy. I won't touch it unless I have too. Every OS seems to make it harder and harder to REALLY get access to all your files and being a fairly knowledgeable computer user, I LIKE having that access

    3. WolfMoon


      is sticking with Vista as long as possible

  23. Just got back from a wedding (it's 30 min to midnight). Going to bed now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    1. Rosewin


      Good night Chicken!

    2. Wolfenblu


      My chickens are already asleep you sure your not a night owl.

  24. Just got back from a wonderful Vegas trip. and found out I seem to have interited my family gene for cholesterol. Damn it.

    1. bluegenjutsu


      It runs in my family, too. I was taking medication for it, but since it can cause liver damage, I went off it for a while. It's not something that I want to take too much of.

    2. Chicken0895


      I have a follow up test in a couple months, and if my cholesterol is still high, my doctor is going to give me medication also. I have to get serious now, because I'm too young to be on heart medication (I'm not even 20 yet).

    3. Rosewin


      The best way it to change your diet and lifestyle now. One thing you might like to look into is, pomegranate juice, it's extremely good got the heart. Remember the best cure is prevention. Hope you avoid the drugs Chicken. *hug*

  25. Just got back from my last final exam. Pack up dorm or play Sims? Hmm.

    1. Rosewin


      Are you eager to go or need to relax first?

      I'd say give yourself a break and play.

    2. Wolfenblu


      Rose can't argue with that!

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