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Status Updates posted by Nirar22

  1. 3 words. Mother In Law. I swear when my son's get married, I am going to be the MIL I wish I had---

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nirar22


      Glad you had a good one! :) Mine is building a fence to protect her food for the end of the world in Dec (really) and my son went up to help for a couple of days. I need him back Sat. and I told her that before he went up there on Monday. Now she tried to tell me he wasn't coming home until the fence was done---next week sometime. Excuse me?!

    3. Rosewin


      Good grief! Tell him he can stay and finish it, as long as he locks her in before he comes home. *hug*

    4. MadameButterfly


      Oh wow! I don't even know what to say. You obviously need to have the patience of a saint to deal with her.

  2. Went to a Fairy Tale/Mother Goose kids theme park today. A *reward* poster said someone stole the tart. The pastry was not the first thing that came to mind. lol Darn SP anyway! :P

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    2. nixicole


      Hehehe. My roomie (who no longer sims) tends to say woohoo instead of yay, etc. I'm sure you know where my mind goes. .and it doesn't help that I use that mod, too!

    3. LadyNightArrow
    4. granthes


      Subway (the sandwich place) had an ad last month that said that their sandwiches cause people to woohoo.

  3. Nothing like losing your electric for a several hours to make you appreciate it so much more when it's back on!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. julechristine


      Had that happen the other day. Made dinner by candlelight.

    3. Sleepycat
    4. Nirar22


      Kids and I played Apples to Apples by flashlight, lol. :D

  4. I'm able to download University already! Woot! I'll get to play it for a bit afterall! :D Sleep? Who needs it? lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      Who needs sleep, when there is an education to be had.

    3. lewisb


      True simmers don't need sleep. Congrats on the download.

    4. Firestaar1


      OH! Lucky you! Don't forget pics!

  5. Failed to Share error, what a pita. >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      If so check the picture is the right bit level. That's why mine didn't work.

    3. Nirar22


      It's a residential lot. Found tons of threads on the problem, zero solutions! Finally tracked it down to DCCache problem. I moved file to desktop, it generated a blank one, and I can share the lot just fine. Blech. I hope Reinstall of every store item I have fixes it.

    4. Rosewin


      hope it's good now Nirar. Hate having to sort out problems.

  6. Stupid ImageShack is going subscription only. =(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. veiledstar


      Yeah someone at Nraas said the same thing. I think she is putting images on her tumbler for now so she doesn't lose them.

    3. Cloudwalker
    4. Rosewin
  7. Got annoyed with my sim Luna, turned her into a toad. Now I'm having a hard time getting her turned back. Ooops! That's not going to look good in the Legacy, lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Katelinjens


      So funny. I did that to a sim once. I hope she gets switched back soon.

    3. jenniferw23


      Well if it were a male sim you turned into a toad you could just have a princess kiss him!

    4. FzzyDg8


      How about a prince, would he work?

  8. Where is the stop button on this crazy roller coaster that is my life lately? I want off!!! :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      Yes, I could do with one of those.

    3. Firestaar1
    4. RedMallie


      A big hug to you, Nirar. Please, stay on the roller coaster, do not let go.

  9. I've been writing in my dreams again, now if only I can write while I'm actually awake, I might actually get somewhere!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      Hate it when I do that. Or think up an entire plot in the shower and have not time after to write it down.

    3. Senkime


      You can do it! I believe in you ^^

    4. Sleepycat


      That happens to me too!

  10. That terrible moment when you realize there may not be an uglier sim that your current heir, and even worse, if they breed with the *ugliest* sim available, it might make the next gen prettier! O.o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nirar22


      lol, I've taken to scouring the graveyards while *crosses fingers* SP works it's magic! =D

    3. RedMallie


      I had a game crash after Tater got pregnant. I am sure I saved before, but I am dying to see what her baby looks like!

    4. Wolfenblu


      Nirar I had that happen back before I knew how to make prettier sims that bred true.

  11. Made the final payment on my van! Yahoo!

    1. The ISZ

      The ISZ

      It's so exciting making that last payment and you get the feeling of it's mine, all mine! =D

    2. Nellas
    3. Nirar22


      Thanks!:D It's so nice knowing it's all mine and not the bank's!

  12. Epic!

    1. tessalion13


      Ohhh, tell me how it is!

    2. nixicole
    3. Nirar22


      Very cute and funny. I loved it! =) I could have happily watched more--but it ended, lol

  13. Stupid malicious attacks, there went several hours I didn't have! Alls well now though, so that's good! Thank goodness for Norton, they saved me, lol =)

    1. Rosewin


      Scary thing is I think that is one of the pop ups I get. >.<

    2. jenniferw23


      Scared me for a moment. I thought someone had attacked you! Bad enough it's your computer. Glad you got it fixed.

    3. WolfMoon


      Thought the same as Jennifer good you had good virus protection.

  14. Here comes the rain again---just in time for camping!

    1. WolfMoon


      It did that to us earlier this summer.

    2. jenniferw23


      Please, no mention of rain to those of us in the drought-stricken Southwest!! : )

    3. MysteryIslandKid


      Sends them some of Canada's finest rain so we can get the rest of the hay this weekend.

  15. Jet Pack slow dance, best animation/interaction ever. <3

    1. Rosewin


      Looks magic in the shots you shared.

    2. tessalion13


      Oh I need to see this! *runs thread hunting*

    3. Klinn


      Hah, that sounds hilarious! I might get ITF just for that.

  16. Normal Future=boring. Dystopian Future, now that's fun! =D

    1. Rosewin


      LOL, sounds like you are having fun already.

    2. Nellas


      I have only made it to the normal future so far. Can't wait for Dystopian!

    3. Senkime
  17. Writing Colin and Ivory's love story, 2 impossible, hard headed characters, and make it believable, is a good writing challenge! XD

    1. Rosewin


      Nothing like conflict to make a good story!

    2. Jenn


      I can imagine! I had a hard enough time playing them as a couple, much less getting a romance story out of it.

    3. Senkime


      lol u can do it ^^

  18. Is it Spring yet?

    1. Jenn


      Not quite. LOL

    2. Rosewin


      Summer here. Although it doesn't seem to be able to make up it's mind.

    3. jenniferw23


      Spring? We only have two seasons here: 3 months of winter and 9 months of summer. And I'll take 100 degrees any day to freezing weather.

  19. I both hate and admire the writers of Once Upon a Time right now. XD

    1. doren


      Psst, I think we're behind in Germany. I missed the beginning of the series but watch it every week now.

    2. michalien


      My daughter loves the series. Watching it every night.

    3. nixicole


      I haven't kept up. Has Belle's storyline ended? (She was my fave as a child.) Or is there still hope for her? *vows to catch up on the last couple seasons*

  20. I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fear's path, and only I will remain.

    1. Signy


      Good to know I'm not the only one who uses that one.

    2. Nirar22


      =) I've been on a Dune reading spree.

    3. nixicole


      Oh, wow. It's been a long, long time since I read Dune. I never did get to the sequels. Happy reading!

  21. Well, bother, now I sort of miss Sims1, lol It's a pity it won't work on Win7. :(

    1. wendylady


      you can make it work , using a simulator Program. Or installing ubuntu on a small side of you pc.

    2. Loralie0512


      Really? I got it to work on mine before. Of course I no longer have it on my new computer. I've been feel nostalgic lately.

    3. Chicken0895


      My copy works perfectly. You just need to run it as an administrator so it can save.

  22. The Perfect Genetics part of this challenge is going to kill me! XD

    1. Firestaar1


      LOL hang in there

    2. jenniferw23


      I've got confidence in you. You'll do it! : )

    3. Nakendra


      You can do it

  23. *give sim all traits you hate* I'm going to hate Pudding Pop. :/

    1. tessalion13


      This sounds like an amusing challenge to watch…not sure how long I'd last before pulling my hair out playing!

    2. nixicole


      Uh, yeah, nope, never gonna happen.

    3. doren


      Great idea. Better than having lots of sims you dislike a little.

  24. *is annoyed* Stupid random crashes. I was in the middle of building, thought I'd save my progress, and it crashed instead. I lost 40 minutes of time. :(

    1. jvrd12


      how I hate that. don't even get me started on it. I hope you can get everything back the way it was! :)

    2. Rosewin


      Arg! I hate that!

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