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Status Updates posted by Cabelle

  1. 95% of everything is now in the new house. Now all I have to do is the final clean on the rental, and hopefully find the various things darling husband & kids packed in random boxes while I was working.

    1. Nellas
    2. RedMallie


      Good luck and many congratulations on the new house!!! Send them off in search of the items you need! Make it a type of "Where in the world is" family game, hehehee

  2. A new computer is both a good thing and a bad thing. A good thing for all the awesome updated specs. A bad thing for all the installing & fine-tuning that I have to do!

    1. Loralie0512


      Yes! That's exactly what I'm doing now!

    2. Kimi


      Agreed! I've had mine for almost 6 months and still find things that I need to do.

    3. DavusAntonius


      Yup, I agree with you on that.

  3. After a few days of sewing it's clear I need new glasses. *rubs eyes*

  4. Bleh, packing up a house is such a pain. Too bad I like my stuff so much.

    1. WolfMoon


      Hopefully I will never have to do it but I helped my dad and mom move several times not fun.

    2. Wolfenblu


      Yes it is, moved twice and never want to again.

  5. Bleh. I want to sim the day away but I need to continue working on my WA Pharmacy Law class. *props eyes open with toothpicks*

  6. Dealing with minor damage (window) likely due to poor choices from the neighbor behind us. Wishing I could use the batman box to "smite" them.

    1. WolfMoon


      LOL so glad my neighbours are family. I agree the bat box would be great!

  7. Gah! I need to get motivated and get the sewing done.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cabelle


      Brainworm! Lol :D

    3. Jenn


      God, where is the like button. I started singing that song too. The cat ran away and hid, Eliza.

    4. Eliza


      hee hee hee ooops! *giggles*

  8. House hunting is the pits. I wish I was a sim so that I could just "motherlode" and then build the exact house I want, on the exact lot I want.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cabelle


      I agree, Rose. I repainted multiple rooms 7 all the doors & trim in the old house before we sold it. Not fun at all.

    3. Wolfenblu


      I hate house hunting, that's why I will never move. Well unless the government builds a highway through my house or something.

    4. keyqueen


      I been there too. Of course mostly I was in a hurry to move away from my disgusting uncle.

  9. I have a phone interview today. Fingers crossed!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sleepycat
    3. Katelinjens


      That is wonderful news and the best of luck with the next interview!

    4. RedMallie


      Great news! Congrats!!!

  10. I miss you all, and I miss my Sims!

  11. I miss you all. Dumb job, sucking up all my hours. :P ((hugs))

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cabelle


      It's better now, I'm not as stressed because I've learned how to do most of it. I'm just still having a hard time getting used to the work/home pace. Hopefully when I do, I'll have some energy to play again instead of coming home & going to bed early. ;-P

    3. Loralie0512
    4. RedMallie


      Big hug, Cabelle! I miss you, too! Hope you get to enjoy the job once you get your own rhythm for handling home and work. :)

  12. I think I fixed my broken townie issue for my anniversary challenge 'hood. I'll be able to keep playing Asylumville!

  13. I think they forgot a virus when making this season's flu shot. Ugh.

  14. I wish we had fire sprinklers for Sims 3 like we do with Sims 2. Stupid dorm roommates.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trif


      It may help. There is a command I used when playing firefighter as well, either a debug or shift click on ground, unsure which it was.

    3. Cohzaku


      I can't remember, but I think you can ctrl+shift click on the fire and actually delete it.

    4. Cabelle


      I'll try that too, thanks. For now, my sim got a "scholarship" so that she could put the expensive fireproof stove in the dorm kitchen.

  15. I'm so tired, even my hair is tired. Hopefully I will get into a good working groove soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      Hope it gets easier as the days go Cabelle.

    3. WolfMoon


      me too Cabelle when I haven't worked at the vets office in a week it takes such a toll on me going back.

    4. RedMallie


      Hang in there, girl!!! :)

  16. In anticipation of my upcoming move, I donated all my Sims 1 games & Prima Guides. Kind of difficult, but I never play those anymore. Hopefully they'll bring enjoyment to someone else now.

    1. Great8Girl


      That was nice of you to do. I did the same thing with my Sims 2 games and guides on EBAY.

    2. BklynGrl72


      I did that with my sims 2 games. I gave them to my friend who lost his sims 2 games. I love paying it forward.

  17. Moral of the story- when your game is acting stuffed up, try deleting the cache files first! I feel like such a noob.

    1. Katelinjens


      We just get so attached to playing and want to figure out how to fix the problem without having to quit to do it. It took me a while to just clean the caches when I quit. I always do the script cache but I do the others about every third time I quit.

  18. My copy of Sims 4 showed up two days early! A nice surprise after a stressful morning.

    1. michalien
    2. RedMallie


      Congratulaitons, Cabelle!!! :)

  19. Of course, now my Sims 3 launcher has decided it no longer wants to work. EA help was a waste of time.

  20. Passed my PTCB! But also ended up in the ER sick as hell with a kidney infection. Thankfully the antibiotics are kicking in.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nixicole


      Congrats! I know exactly how you feel! At least, as far as the test. On the other one, I can only offer my sympathy. And cookies. ;)

    3. Wolfenblu


      So sorry, feel better soon!

    4. Rosewin


      Wonderful that you passed Cabelle! Sorry that you got so sick though and am glad you are on the mend. Rub that kitty tummy and it will make you feel better.

  21. Perhaps it was not a good idea to play Sunset Valley and turn Cornelia Goth into a witch. Every time I turn around, she's doing some kind of spell that breaks the sinks. I'm about ready to set her on fire.

    1. michalien


      Lol cabelle. You know what is interesting. When I started to play Sims 3 for first time, I fall in love with Cornelia Goth. But whenever I started to fight with her husband, I always got beaten. And their children didn't like me too. Lol.

    2. StarryEyedSimmer


      LOL. Love this status.

  22. So I have to go visit my state's dept of licensing again because the vehicle title never arrived. I have to get the current one cancelled and request a new one to be mailed. And then wait & hope the 10 week duration that it will actually show up in my mailbox this time. Supremely annoyed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TwistedSister


      Oh, the joys of red tape. xD Hope you can get that sorted out soon!

    3. Wolfenblu


      I hope you get it soon, you don't need the aggravation!

    4. RedMallie


      Bureaucracy. Such a pain in the you know where.

  23. Very late to the party, but I found out about earning simpoints for watching commercials. Been going on a crazy buying spree at the Sims 3 store, wheee!

  24. Woo! I followed the MTS2 tutorial and made my own default alien skin & eyes!

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