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Status Updates posted by Rosewin

  1. The deforestation project is complete. The shorts are on. Now it's just a matter of not blinding the neighbours.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nellas


      My pain tolerance doesn't either but soooo silky smooth lol

    3. esjai
    4. Rosewin


      Admits to going natural till I can't avoid it. :P

  2. The nerves are begining to settle.

  3. The painting is done!!! Tomorrow the floor!

  4. The Rain is here!!!

    1. jvrd12


      I'm glad! I heard it's been bad over there, with all the fires and heat. hope you're doing well! :)

    2. Rosewin


      It always feels like it will never come, so it is so good when it finally does.

  5. The sun is shining and the washing is calling. >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewin


      Well despite being slack today I managed to get two loads done and plant up two garden beds. How I managed all that I have no idea!

    3. jvrd12


      sunshine brings good mood for most people. not me, though. I prefer rain/thunder. or both.

    4. nixicole


      Sunshine brightens up my mood sometimes, but the storm atmosphere.electrifies me? I don't know if that's the right word.

  6. There is anothe woman in my house, and she is stealin my man!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nyxie
    3. MysteryIslandKid


      LOL My cats do that they don't like the fact I am just outside working on the well and they are inside.

    4. doren


      Give up Rose, you can't win against a cat.

  7. There is something up with one of my eyes, all red won't settle down. made looking at the computer hard. I spent most of today asleep. If it doesn't settle by tomorrow it is off the the doctor for me. Blah!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. arathea


      Take care of it. *hug*

    3. Rosewin


      Was going to head for the doctor today, the eye was really worrying me yesterday evening, but this morning it has cleared and all is well. *yay*

    4. doren
  8. There must have been something really exciting happening 9 moths ago, we haven't had any birthdays for a few days.

    1. Nellas


      Nah, everyone just has their fun Thanksgiving - Valentine's day so they are all busy with newborns by now. :P

    2. RedMallie
    3. Rosewin


      Still no birthdays.

      So you are saying that everyone conceived in February already, and that's why there were none in March? :P

  9. Three houses finished. Now it is nap time.

  10. Three more rooms to go in the bordello!

    1. bluegenjutsu
    2. MadameButterfly


      I had to look up the word bordello, and now I am quite curious about your current project.

  11. Time for, beddy bow bows. Good night from me!

    1. Kivak


      Nighty Night, I need to go to bed too, Wolfie has been working and this sleep interuptus is getting to me.

  12. Time once again to butcher the old rigg and see if I can't get the main one working!

    1. Rosewin


      Frankenstein is born! Now to see if we have created a monster or a usable computer.

    2. Rosewin


      Well the computer didn't crash. Didn't go so well with the game, CAW though. *sigh*

  13. Time ot get to work!

  14. Time to go and buy new Ugg boots.

    1. Rosewin


      Didn't find the ones I wanted but found some really good ones on line.

    2. jenniferw23


      Never had any. Not cold enough here to justify that kind of expense. Good luck with your boot shopping experience, though.

  15. Time to pack up the computer. See you all when I get back!

    1. Wolfenblu
    2. The ISZ

      The ISZ

      I hope you have a wonderful time! :D

  16. To picture spam or not to picture spam, that is the question. Can't deride whether to start a thread on my sims antics.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tessalion13


      Always picture spam!

    3. Rosewin


      Having way too much fun with Thomas.

    4. Rosewin


      And I think he is having too much fun with me!

  17. Today is Blah, blah.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rosewin


      Sounds lovely.

      I am looking forward to our winter, they can be cold but are fairly mild, with no snow.

    3. MadameButterfly


      I've been sleepy all day. Maybe i'ts because of the blah, blah!

    4. Rosewin


      Yep blah, blah will do that to you.

  18. Took my for ever to get motivated today, then the power went out for five hours >.<

    1. Signy
    2. nixicole


      I hate that. Hope you get to have some fun when everything's back up and running.

    3. Katelinjens


      I hope you have been able to get some play time in now that the power is back on!

  19. Took the notebook apart last night and finally fixed the USB ports that weren't working. I couldn't fix the keyboard, I think the lips are damaged from the last time we took it apart. It is just at the back though and doesn't affect the performance. No I have no excuse not to reload sim! Yay.

    1. RedMallie


      Yay, Rose!!! Great news!!!! :D

    2. bluegenjutsu


      I'm glad you can play again, Rose!

    3. Wolfenblu


      Yay Rose! You go girl!

  20. Totally stuffed with good Greek food and chocolate. Had the best day out with my mum and sister.

    1. michalien


      Glad for you Rose that you had a great time. End envy you on wonderful chocolate. :)

  21. Town planing has begun.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Signy
    3. Katelinjens


      Sounds wonderful! You do nice worlds!

    4. ivyclarice


      Sounds delightfully ominous and post-apocalyptic!

  22. Tried the new Dutch pancake cafe in the next town over from us. YUM! The coffee was divine too.

    1. michalien


      As a coffee addict, all I can say - I envy you Rose. ;-) (Glad you enjoyed)

    2. Kimi


      Oh man, now I want pancakes! Send me some?

    3. Rosewin


      They had all international ones too. Mine were buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup and cream.

  23. Very, very lazy Sunday.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Katelinjens


      If you want to be busier you could come and help me work around my apt!

    3. MysteryIslandKid


      I am going tomorrow to take my sisters horse trailer back and then build a barn you could help lol

    4. Rosewin


      Nah, I'm good thank. :P

      I had a repeat performance of yesterday, just stayed in bed till noon reading. Gotta love a long weekend.

  24. Waking up at 2am with a neck that is so sore you can't stay in bed, is no fun. :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rosewin


      Got some sleep and am feeling much better.

      I am not quite sure what brought it on in the first place, but I did wake up last night thingking I was painting a cupboard and that it was in an awkward position.

    3. michalien


      Glad to hear you're feeling better Rose. ;-)

    4. IrishDuchess


      Glad you are feeling better. Don't you love waking up from a dream to find you were actually acting it out? Funny and disturbing at the same time lol

  25. Watching the Olympics withe Winnie

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. crinrict


      Hm. reminds me to find out what channel is showing springboard diving today

    3. Kivak


      SS I didn&#39;t know CTV was doing that, thanks. LOL Cohzaku

    4. Kivak


      SS I didn&#39;t know CTV was doing that, thanks. LOL Cohzaku

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