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Status Updates posted by Nellas

  1. *Ducks in and waxes the floor and slides back out*


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. carlfatal
    3. arathea
    4. RedMallie


      *slides on the newly waxed floor* Weeee!!!!! Thank you, dear Squirrel! :love-heart-hand-smiley-emoticon:

  2. I swear if Vlad comes into my Sim's house again, I'm going to put a stake through his heart. I don't mind once in a while but Jesus dude! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Signy


      He annoyed me so much I invited him on a date. During the day. To a venue he couldn't get inside.

    3. tgdry6


      :slapnut:Had a surprise visit from him yesterday, he got sent home. <_<

    4. RedMallie


      I love TwistedMexi's Destroy Object fix. That's the treatment I give Vlad when I see him. :BigxSmile:

  3. I think Green suits me better than Blue. *turns over the whips to Kimi*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kimi


      I think Nellas wants the pool boys! :lolhuh:I like whips. Thank you! <3

    3. Nellas


      Those poor boys are probably thrilled to be free!

    4. Rosewin


      No wonder those pool boys look so pale, stuck in the closet all this time.

  4. Wanted to post a public update on TFM since so many people had PM'd me asking. She is not back home yet but they are doing okay and hanging in there. She is comfortable and being fed well but ready to get back to her computer and wanted you guys to know she is okay!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RedMallie


      Great to hear she's being cared for well. I kept thinking how bad could be for her to be absent this long. Thank you, Squirrel!!!! :heart:

    3. Katelinjens


      Thanks you for the update!  I am glad to hear that she is Ok and it will be nice when she is back home and visiting with us again!   Take good care, TFM! :hug3:

    4. Chaavik


      I forgot she lives in TX. I hope she and her family are safe too. My aunt lives near where Hurricane Harvey tore through the state recently, but she was visiting her son in CA at the time. And hope everyone is doing all right.

  5. This old squirrel is feeling her age, you guys keep it down in the nuthouse. *shakes cane*

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rosewin


      :slapnut: Silly Squirrel.

    3. RedMallie


      "be-having"? What's that? Is that where the little bees live? :hmm:

    4. Chicken0895


      :slaplol: That must be it.

  6. This weekend contained waaaaay too many people! If you need me, I will be in my pillow fort.

    1. Rosewin


      Sounds like a good plan. :teehee:

    2. Eliza


      Ditto! (with ice cream)


  7. Just noticed how empty my adult story section is. Should probably do something about that. *shifty eyes*

  8. Officially has taken me longer to name a sim baby than it did my own RL babies.

    1. RedMallie


      It must be a really special Sim, hehehe!!!

  9. That moment when you doze off at the computer without pausing a Clavell household...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. arathea


      What did you expect? :hehehe:

    3. Nellas


      ha haha Those Clavell boys keep me on my toes for sure. That and I thought summer was for relaxing which is not what is happening here at all. 

    4. Firestaar1


      LOL that is never a good thing!!! 

  10. Downloading spree of Sims bruises & scars. Poor guys are giving me worried looks and trying to hide.

    1. FzzyDg8
    2. RedMallie


      I bet they are, dear Squirrel! Hey, are you downloading for TS 2, 3 or 4?

    3. Nellas


      Only playing TS4 right now. So far behind on everything that has been going on.

  11. Dumb things Nellas says - "A three bedroom house will be plenty big for a Clavell family."

    1. arathea


      You should know better. lol

    2. Signy


      That's hilarious.

    3. Firestaar1


      I'm sure it was plenty for them- for all of 5 minutes x)

  12. Was going to play.but Origin said no. *frowns*

    1. Zaleth


      you can usually play offline with Origin so what happened?

    2. Nellas


      It wasn't letting me log in. Once logged in, you can play off line, I just couldn't get to that point.

  13. Peeling, sun-burnt skin is about as sexy as wet noodles.just saying

    1. Eliza


      no sunburn, but the humidity is playing havoc with my hair, I look like a cross between a badly styled poodle & Medusa(in other words scary as shit) :(

    2. Kimi


      Maybe try combining those wet noodles WITH your peely, flaky skin. You never know. Hubba hubba.

    3. Nellas


      HA haha I would worry if Shake was into something like that. XD

  14. *happily downloads stuff for TS4* Oh, they make stuff for TS3 too? and TS2? *download folders explodes*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. x0101x


      Poor hard disk XD.

    3. FzzyDg8
    4. Firestaar1


      LOL hope you had a blast on your CC spree!

  15. Confessions of a sim addict: I play with headphones because I don't want my kids or husband to know how often my sims woohoo.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TwistedSister


      ^ What Fire said! That, and all those batbox smitings can get pretty loud. xD

    3. Nellas


      I am still learning what all the batbox can do XD

    4. nixicole


      I live with my parents. I use headphones for approximately the same reason!

  16. OH Snape.No one will ever be able to fill the wonderful shoes that Alan Rickman wore. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kimi


      :( Who will be the voice of God?

    3. Firestaar1
    4. Wolfenblu


      He was great. And will be greatly missed.

  17. Found a new author *bundles up in pillow fort* Time to read ALL the things!

    1. RedMallie


      I know that feeling. It's not enough to read one work by the newly discovered authors, one MUST read them all!!!

    2. Nellas


      Found two books that might have trigger issues for me so have to wait for a friend to read them first. Sleep.who needs it

  18. ok RL, anytime you want to cut me some slack, it would be great. I wanna play Sims!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nixicole


      If you figure out the magic secret to making this happen, let me know!

    3. Katelinjens


      I sure hope that you get to play soon!

    4. Wolfenblu


      Hope you do too lately I have gotten some time to play hope you will too.

      Got my xmas shopping done so another thing off the to do list. I did it all but Cubbies, now his is in the mail so its all done.

  19. Don't forget to vote on your favorite story from our Halloween contest! Voting open until the 7th.

  20. ugh! Internet hiccuped and ate my contest update. *time to open the bar I think*

    1. Trif


      Oh boo.

      T<---searches for keys---<<<

    2. RedMallie


      sorry to hear that, Nellas!!! Hope you are enjoying the bar? ;D

  21. ugh! So far behind again.

  22. Setting up a world with new sims, no one has skills or jobs and no one is worth more than 1k. That should make this contest a breeze >.<

    1. Jenn


      Haha! Those poor sims.

    2. Cohzaku


      Sounds like all those sims need is a local meth lab.

    3. RedMallie
  23. Trying to get sneaky surprise stuff together. Would be easier if Sims would stop woohooing every time I turned my back!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SatansSprite


      Did someone say sneaky surprise stuff?! I am very interested in that

    3. Signy


      Seriously? You expected otherwise?

    4. Nellas


      I really should use the pause more often!

  24. Ugh! Photoshop has kicked my butt tonight. I don't think this graphic is going to get done >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trif


      Oooh, wonders if it is a naughty graphic, or just something, graphical.

    3. Nellas


      It is a book cover actually.

    4. Trif


      Ooohhh Very cool! Pesters Stacey to go to the bookstore.

  25. Headed to write for a while, you guys don't burn the place down.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. arathea


      I gave TFM the firewood and the potatos. She didn't ask for the matches though. *whistles innocently*

    3. RedMallie


      *is among kindred spirits.* :D :D :D 0:D

    4. Katelinjens


      I just going to be good - this time!

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