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Status Updates posted by Nellas

  1. Watches shark attack. <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trif


      Ack, oh no, sharks. Heh, glad to see this is working for you!

    3. tessalion13


      Coolness! Can't wait to throw my sims to the sharks!

    4. Nirar22


      *is jealous* No shark attacks yet, lol

  2. We have turned on our heat.In Nov? What is this nonsense?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MadameButterfly


      (Parents, as in Dad & Stepmom. She's a real penny pincher, so that's why they got the pellet stove.)

    3. Signy


      No heat yet for me but I have used the heating pad for my toes at night and my ceramic heater under my desk. My downstairs neighbor seems to keep his place somewhere in the 80s at least so I don't have to run heat much even in the midwest.

    4. WolfMoon


      Fire place going here too, and furnace at night for now. Our furnace is also old and never keeps the house warm downstairs, I can tell its winter when Precious our cat gets on the hearth.

  3. Well crap, a 30 min wait and while I have my story notebook, I have lost my pen.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rosewin


      That's a point. You never know where it's been with that one. :P

    3. The ISZ

      The ISZ

      Um, no.no I don't think you do. XD

    4. Nellas


      Bwa ha ha ha ha ewwww! ha ha ha

  4. Well, 3 hours straight of Walking Dead.now time for bed. @.@

    1. RedMallie


      Sleep tight, dear!!!

    2. Loralie0512


      Oh yes.I've been there!

    3. InsaneInTheBrain


      I need to get caught up on season 4 before next month! Netflix hurry up!

  5. Well, BahHumbug! Just started putting up the Christmas stuff only to find most of it broken during the last move. I haz a sad. :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. doren


      Isn't it always that half of the christmas decorations are damaged, although they were in perfect condition when you packed them up the year before?

    3. doren


      Isn't it always that half of the christmas decorations are damaged, although they were in perfect condition when you packed them up the year before?

    4. RavenKay


      So sad for you Nellas.:(

      I gave the heirlooms to our son for his christmas. Now he can keep up with the treasures!

  6. Well, crap. Guess those groceries are not just going to magically appear in this house. You guys be good while I am out. I am picking up new batteries for the taser!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cohzaku


      who says a taser can't be a teaser? :P

    3. Nellas


      XD Now that would be a 'tingle'

    4. Trif


      Hah, oh yeah, I can not imagine the thrill from a shock the, er, um yeah I best shut up now before I have to repeat the blush.


  7. Well, dirty words. My founder just aged to Elder. Guess her one child is the auto-heir

    1. Nirar22


      At least she had one before aging up! I hope there's some fugly in the one she had! =)

  8. Well, I see it is just going to be one of 'those' mornings

  9. Well, it finally happened. Boy got in trouble at school. Told the teacher that he did not have his homework. Never mind that it was complete and in his folder, he just could not be assed to look for it >.<

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Trif


      Three of us then, I was a perfect student. Um, at least what I can remember of it. It was the 70's.


    3. Nellas


      Oh please, you don't remember the 70s!

    4. Trif


      Um, that was my point. I think, er, not sure I remember, it is all a haze. what is that purple over there? What were we talking about?

      Hah, yeah you are pretty much correct there.


  10. Well.poop

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Trif


      Hah, don't want to yell at me. Well it might have helped actually.<grin>

    3. Nellas


      I am going to start yelling if you don't get on some sim stuff!

    4. Trif


      Yes Maam. Adds to list again and underlines.

  11. Went christmas tree shopping with the hubby for the 1st time ever. Whole house smells like Christmas now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jenniferw23


      Congrats to you. Enjoy it. We considered replacing the giant fake one we got while I was in college, but they're over $300! Think of the shoes and dresses and perfume I could buy with $300!

    3. tessalion13


      I enjoy the romantic idea of a live tree, but I just now it would be an absolute disaster between Hubby's lack of handy skills, my lack of everything and Trouble…yeah we'll skip that. Cant' wait to hear about how the kids enjoy it though!

    4. Akeem


      We have to go cut one down in the woods. I remember dad taking me to buy one once when I was 6 or so. Wow $300 dollars would buy me a better saddle lol.

  12. Went looking for a certain pose 4 hours ago. Only stopped cause my DL folder is begging.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nellas


      30 new poses, a few new animations, some clothes, some sims, eyeshadows, hairs, a new skin, 4 houses, 2 worlds and a partridge in a pear tree. literally.

    3. Trif


      Hah, have to get the partridge. Sounds like a great haul!

    4. IrishDuchess


      A partridge in a pear tree?! Where did you find that?

  13. Went looking for ONE pose. Where the heck did all these other ones come from?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nellas


      yes! and what is so bad, it was a naughty pose I was looking for, sure I had seen it before.DUH I was the one that made it and it was sitting in my section XD

    3. Trif


      Heh, you have made some excellent ones. Sometimes it is difficult to remember who the artist' is.


    4. tessalion13


      Ha! Speaking of poses, did you see the cute fairy couple poses?

  14. What a world, what a world.actually it is not a big deal, but I am ready to have it finished!

    1. Nellas


      On goes the testing.

    2. Trif


      Oh how very exciting, I do so hope it goes well!

  15. What is the point of having a cell phone when you don't answer it? Especially when you are 4 hours late getting home!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nyxie


      B does that to me sometimes. He's in the airport so he has to turn his phone off, or when he's with clients he sets it to vibrate, then I text and call and he doesn't get them. Then gets home and says "oops, sorry". He's lucky he's so damn cute, lol.

    3. Twoftmama


      My husband knows the penalty for not answering his cell phone is swift and severe. I only call if it's important so he damn well better answer!

    4. Nellas


      It turned out okay. I might have gone crazy by the time that I did get in touch with him though. *i know, not far for me.

  16. What is this odd liquid falling from the sky?

    1. Trif


      Oh hooray, is not rain wonderful when you have not seen it for a while? Happy it finally showed for you.

  17. what was that? stay another day with all this wonderful Indian foods and family? sure, I guess we can do that.if we must xD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rosewin


      Someone has to take on these hard tasks.

      Hope you are having a blast.

    3. tessalion13
    4. Nellas


      I have gained 10 pounds.

  18. Where the hell did my weekend go? Who ever took it better give it back!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfenblu


      Me too, this weekend went too fast.

    3. Cloudwalker


      eventful, but excruciatingly slow Friday night to Sunday morning here. Adult children. sheesh.

    4. Rosewin


      Mine went fast too. I was actually social and everything.

  19. Who was the idiot that thought up this "Let's get back into running" thing and what can I use to stab them in the neck!?!

    1. Trif


      I have either a fireplace poker or a Bowie knife, take your pick.<grin>

    2. Twoftmama


      *hands Mimm an ice pick*

    3. Cohzaku


      I still can't/won't try running XD I may be getting good exercising, have growing muscles, and youth, but I have ol'man knees. I crack snapple and pop, and if the left one wobbles, there's a 40% chance of rain.

  20. Why did I let myself buy Halloween candy so early? *eyes the half empty 8 lb bag*

    1. Twoftmama


      My kitchen is full of desserts because Isz and I had a sweet tooth yesterday. I had 2 pieces of cake for breakfast. I am dumb.

    2. nixicole


      Actually, I think that sounds like a good idea (in both cases)!

    3. Trif


      Sorry, I will try to keep my hands off the goodies from now on. Wait, that's not what, um, er.

  21. Why is it when the ice storms start, our house fills up with people XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rosewin
    3. michalien


      Beacuse you are good people and others loves you

    4. Nellas


      Ha ha ha oh I needed that laugh this morning.

  22. Why sure Stephen (active sim) I don't mind rewriting your entire story just because you are being a twit, I have nothing else to spend my time on. >.<

    1. Trif


      Oh man, stop being a twit Stephen, I want to read this story. Don't think it will help but you never know. That said if he doesn't listen to you, not much chance he gives a hoot what I say.


    2. Rosewin


      Evil I tell you! Those little pixels are evil.

  23. Why yes, I will take two hours of kindergarteners, then 6th grade girls and for good measure activity class with 4th grade boys. Why not? I have surely lost my mind, what more damage could they do?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. doren


      Nobody would blame you if you just ran away.

    3. Nellas


      Got Kaiba to the doctor.he is allergic to pine trees. We live in AR and he is allergic to pine :/

    4. Trif


      So very glad they identified it though! Now you and the doc know what to treat for.

  24. Wish my to-do list would cut me a break. I feel like I have missed so much!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedMallie


      big hug, dear Nellas!!!

    3. Trif


      -Gets out scissors

      -hands them over

      Let me know if you need anything else.

    4. Nellas


      You guys crack me up

  25. Woke up to a beautiful little girl smiling at me. Later I would find out it was cause she had tied her brother up in the sheets. @.@

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Trif


      Well at least she did not set him on fire.


    3. tessalion13


      bwahahaha, love it

    4. Rosewin
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