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Status Updates posted by Loralie0512

  1. Hopefully I'll find time to sim today!

    1. Sleepycat


      *crosses her claws*

    2. jenniferw23


      When I first saw that this morning -- before I'd rubbed my eyes or had a cup of coffee -- I read "find time to sin." I thought "You gotta find some time for that!!" : )

    3. Loralie0512


      Haha well of course! I always have time for that!

  2. Hoping to get my copy of UL this morning!

    1. bluegenjutsu


      I hope you got it!

  3. Hoping to see my little bub today!

  4. I am so bummed! My Lunar Lakes save keeps crashing!

  5. I cant believe I'll finally be meeting little man in 3 weeks! Its gone by so fast!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Loralie0512


      Not long at all! @Nyxie we are still struggling with a name, I'm starting to feel the pressure because he's almost here!

    3. Twoftmama
    4. Nyxie


      It's my opinion that boy names are harder. It seems like there are so many girls names and just a few great boys names. Good luck!

  6. I cant believe its been a whole year since I had my wondeful little baby. Why must time go by so fast?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rosewin


      Wow, time has certainly flown. Happy Birthday to you little one.

    3. Firestaar1


      Oh it seems like just yesterday you were telling us you were expecting! Happy Birthday to your little one!

    4. Loralie0512


      Thank you everyone! He did have an amazing birthday!

  7. I don't know what to do today. Do I want to play Sims 2,3 or 4? Oh the decisions!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Signy


      All have pretties too.

    3. michalien


      take each of them for an hour if you can

    4. Wolfenblu


      I will always vote for 2, but what ever you play will bring entertainment.

  8. I had a bunch of pictures ready for Olive and now they're gone! Excuse me while I go cry in the corner :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Katelinjens


      I am sorry you lost the pictures! *hug*

    3. Rosewin


      Arg! I know that feeling. *hug*

    4. RedMallie


      Sorry to hear about your pictures, Loralie!!! :(

  9. I ordered parts to upgrade my computer and they're supposed to be here tomorrow. Can it hurry up already!

    1. nixicole


      Yay! And certainly a good way to celebrate a promotion! :D

    2. Loralie0512


      I know! I'm excited to get it up and going. I have a three day weekend coming up too!

    3. nixicole


      Perfect timing, then!

  10. I think I might get some sim time tonight, yay!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nixicole


      It does rather help with the waiting. :)

    3. Loralie0512


      It does! Unfortunately it wasn't my best play session. I've got pictures!

    4. nixicole


      That's ok. Just means the next one will be better. :)

  11. I think it's time for a sim and me to take a vacation.its been awhile.

  12. I'm bummed, my Sims 2 isn't working for some reason :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Loralie0512


      I did remember to clear those and I think I may have gotten it to work. Fingers crossed!

    3. Katelinjens


      I am keeping my fingers crossed that your game works now!

    4. RedMallie


      Fingers crossed for your game to work, Loralie!

  13. I'm having a boy!!!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Loralie0512


      Thanks guys! Now to think of some names.

    3. MysteryIslandKid


      Congrats, when thinking of names, think of dreadful nicknames he could be called lol. Lots of cool names out there.

    4. MysteryIslandKid


      Congrats, when thinking of names, think of dreadful nicknames he could be called lol. Lots of cool names out there.

  14. Is determined to finish editing Aurora Skies tonight.

    1. Rosewin


      Zzzzzz. *sings a lullaby*

      Sorry Loralie, couldn't resist.

    2. Loralie0512


      I failed! I fell asleep!

  15. Is experiencing simming withdrawals! It's almost been 4 days!

  16. Is on a mission to figure out why I don't get meteors. Ever!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MadameButterfly


      I've had 2 incidents of meteors in TS3, and in TS2 I had one satellite on a couple of newlyweds. It killed the groom on their wedding night.

    3. RedMallie


      Awesome, hahahahahaha!!!!

    4. Loralie0512


      MB I had only one too in TS2, it was really random and I was left shocked! I never had one in TS3 :/

  17. Its just one of those morning where coffee just aint enough!

    1. Nellas


      *Shares her whiskey

    2. ClearaMorph


      *Crawls back into he nice warm bed after a pee. My Guinea Pig feels the same way, at times, crawls back under the warm cozy, to rest/sleep. Mama, it's too early to get up, he's in his teens, name Rusty.

  18. Just came back home from a five day stay at the hospital. Hit a little bit of a snag in my recovery, now to catch up on here :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Katelinjens


      May you have a complete recovery now!

    3. Firestaar1


      Hope you are on your way to a full recovery soon!

    4. InsaneInTheBrain


      Boy and I late! Glad you are okay!

  19. Merry Christmas!!!

    1. jenniferw23


      Thank you and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  20. My baby boy was born 08/09/12 at 8:16pm! My sims will have to be patient for a little while :P

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Cloudwalker


      Congratulations! I hope you didn't have to drive yourself to the hospital, then turn around in a mass of sparkles!

    3. yetyak


      Congrats!! another Leo, cool!

    4. crinrict


      Congratulations. Enjoy the little one. Sims are very patient.

  21. My computer has been upgraded and now I have to reinstall everything :(

    1. Firestaar1


      Yay on new computer, but boo on having to reinstall :(

    2. Loralie0512


      Luckily it was pretty pain free, just long!

    3. tessalion13


      Yay new shiny and pain free reinstall!

  22. Not happy with the way the town is going, so I'm thinking of moving the family.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nixicole


      What town are you playing? And a Sleepytown is always a good option.

    3. Loralie0512


      I'm playing in Dragon Valley right now and I'm really thinking of moving them to one of Sleepy's worlds. I miss diving lol

    4. Katelinjens


      Oh all of Sleepy's worlds are wonderful. Now you just have to decide WHICH one to move to!

  23. Now Sims 2 won't load on mine either >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trif


      Yes, funny thing is mine did work just fine Not certain why it is giving me fits now.

    3. Jenn


      My SimPE is broke :(

      I cannot even get the redownloaded one to work. Hope you fix it.

    4. Loralie0512


      I just uninstalled and I'm going to start the process over again :(

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