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Status Updates posted by jenniferw23

  1. Hey, anyone remember me? I've been busy with RL problems and pleasures (in unequal quantities) awhile. Missed you all : )

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Loralie0512


      Hey! I was just thinking about you! Glad to see you back :)

    3. Wolfenblu


      Good to see you!

    4. jenniferw23


      Thanks everyone. Good to be back among friends.

  2. I haven't been myself lately. I'll be glad when this "other woman" goes away and I can be me again.

  3. I need for there to be 52 birthdays tomorrow so I can wish them all Happy Birthday and finally get to 500 posts!

    1. bluegenjutsu
    2. tessalion13
    3. Rosewin


      Either that, or just go through all the threads and wave at everyone. LOL

  4. I'm back -- kind of, anyway -- and I have a feeling I'm going to spend the next month catching up on all I've missed.

  5. I'm back from the wilds, not a whole lot worse for all the wear and tear on my body. Summary of my outing with all those hunks in my "I'll be stranded 8 days. ." thread.

  6. I'm so excited about the Super Bowl I can hardy be still. Oh wait! That's my husband. I can't even keep up with who's playing. :)

    1. Orilon


      When my mom was alive (she died in August)she was a rabid football fanatic and watched all of the football games and especially the Superbowl. I listened to it from the other room, but I never understood it. Since she died, I never bothered with it, so I don't even know who's playing today.

    2. Nellas


      I can't watch it until Shake gets back from military training. last 13 years we have watched it together so I wait :(

  7. I've missed you all but will likely be away for at least another couple of weeks. Save your best stuff for then so I don't have to read a month's full of posts. :)

  8. In-laws coming. Wish I'd dispelled the myth years ago that I have a spotless house filled with home-baked goodies. To paraphrase the immortal words of Richard Nixon: "Jennifer is NOT a Cook!" Guess I will be temporarily, though. :(

    1. michalien


      In-laws? Lucky you. I'm sure you'll make something nice. there are always cans and frozen food. ;-)

    2. jenniferw23


      When in-laws are over my house IS spotless and filled with home-made baked goods. That's just not its usual state and it's too late now to introduce them to the REAL me!

  9. It's going to be a long weekend around here if the Texas Longhorns lose again. Hubby's not a fan; he's a fanatic!

    1. jvrd12
    2. Nyxie


      Haha, B has the football game on and Gavin (1 year old) is mesmerized. B was trying to get him to say "hook 'em horns!"

    3. jenniferw23


      Whew! I can breathe again. Hook'em Horns!

  10. It's National Trails Day. About to take the kids out for a day of hiking. They'll forgive me one day for getting them up so early on a Saturday. Maybe. .

    1. Akeem


      Have fun! I am headed to the trails myself. With my horse.

    2. Kimi


      It's soggy and yucky out. I'll go to the gym instead. Have fun!

    3. Cloudwalker


      happy trails to youuuuuuuu

  11. Jumped a copperhead a couple of hours into my solo hike this morning. Startled us both, but we parted on friendly terms. Snakes don't frighten me like spiders do.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jenniferw23


      I can ID all the poisonous and a lot of the non-poisonous snakes in my area (just call me Nature Girl). But ALL spiders are creepy to me (OK, call me Sissy Girl!), though I rarely kill one.

    3. IrishDuchess


      Glad you are unbitten and not shaken up. I was chased by a vengeful Cottonmouth while fishing with my dad as a girl at Lake Georgetown. Scared the peas out of me and that fear has stuck with me.

    4. MysteryIslandKid


      Yikes has no idea what a copper head or a cotton mouth is but they sound scary.

  12. My husband's new prayer: Please Lord keep my wife out of the Apple Store (I may grant him that wish -- at least until the iPhone 6 comes out!) : )

    1. Kimi


      I can't wait to see what it looks like! I'm due for a new phone.

    2. michalien


      I' using similar prayer whenever my wife goes to down town. She always buy something.

    3. jenniferw23


      She's just doing her part to help the economy, michalien.

  13. Neither of my boys will ever offend their future wives by bragging about mama's cooking. They'd always rather eat junk than the meals I prepare.

  14. No matter how hot it gets, please line up and kick my butt if I have my hair cut short again this spring. Don't know what got into me last year (OK, ye of dirty minds, I know THAT got into me).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. michalien
    3. Cohzaku


      Nell, is it polka-dotted?

    4. jenniferw23


      Nell, I could still turn heads with swimsuits I once wore -- but for different reasons now. In my mind I'm sometimes a 16-year-old slut; in body I'm always a 45-year-old mother of two! I do prefer where I'm at now, though :)

  15. Now have 50 followers on Tumblr. And it ONLY took me three months. At this rate, I'll have 53-54 by the end of the year. Maybe close to 100 by the turn of the century! Nah, probably not. : (

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jenn


      I found and followed you Nirar.

    3. jenniferw23


      Send me a link and I'll follow anyone on this site. Mine is just a hodge-podge. Too many scenic pix from my backpacking trips for most women and too much girly stuff for most men! But I get a kick out of it.

    4. MysteryIslandKid


      I would probably like it, but I don't do social media.

  16. NYPD instructed that a woman going topless is not a violation of the law and not to arrest her. Wonder if I could get by with that here in North Central Texas?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. michalien


      maybe your goverment my suggest the same law to my goverment. ;-)

    3. jenniferw23


      I may have skinny dipped a few times; and it's possible I shed my top twice at beaches in Spain; and maybe once I needed a truck to carry my beads at a festival in New Orleans; but that's only rumor and hardly anyone believes it.

    4. Klinn


      A couple of years before Ontario passed that law, a women’s volleyball team from the Netherlands (I think) was over for a tournament and decided to relax on one local beaches. They found it quite silly when a lifeguard rushed over to tell them to cover up.

  17. Set a new personal best this morning on a 4 3/8 mile mileage-marked trail: 62:15. Not bad for a short-legged old lady who hasn't been able to jog since tearing a knee up backpacking.

    1. WolfMoon


      not bad at all.

    2. michalien


      You surely do much better then me. You can beat me always.

    3. jenniferw23


      Last time I went backpacking with the guys was too soon after surgery and I only lasted half of an 8-day trip. Working hard this time and gonna kick some male butt! Probably not all of them; definitely some of them!!

  18. Skin cancer deep but they got it all. Dr. fussed at me today as he removed stitches, saying “You CAN cover skin spots on your face with makeup, Jennifer, but DON’T!†:(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Katelinjens


      I am so glad that the doctors got all the cancer! *hugs*

    3. jenniferw23


      Thanks everyone and Nellas I'm glad you seem to be getting yours under control.

    4. instantmagic


      Ah, Jenn.sounds like the dr. knows you well. Prayers for you and Nellas.

  19. Survived another surgery -- minor this time, but I was a little out of it yesterday. Disregard anything more stupid than normal I may have said.

    1. bluegenjutsu
    2. Nyxie


      Glad to hear you're doing well.

    3. Wolfenblu


      Good to hear, don't worry about it :)

  20. Tending my flowers yesterday when I heard a car stop behind me. It didn't move so I turned around and there was a young guy hanging out the window taking pictures of me. I knew I was "hot" but thought it was because of the 100-degree temperature! Kind of creepy.

    1. Sleepycat
    2. Wolfenblu
    3. Cloudwalker


      ah, the flattering, yet creepy thang. Damn, now you just started another story in my head.

  21. Took the summer off to spend time with the kids and took an extended break. Love being a lady of leisure. Hate being the Princess of Poverty, tho, so back to work on Monday. Ugh

  22. Top oven quit working. Hubby asked: "How would you know? Did you need to quick dry your pantyhose?" Ha ha ha. I don't wear them that often and any idiot knows you dry them in the microwave :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nixicole


      Lol! Wait. .salesmen? That's a new one on me.

    3. Wolfenblu



      I seldom use my top oven the other day I thought I would bake some bread. I almost didn't look before i preheated and some things of Akeems were in there. they almost got baked not dried.

    4. Wolfenblu


      Salesmen I thought they were dog food. I didn't know you had to bake them first.

  23. Town not too awfully far from us leveled in a fertilizer plant explosion. We thought it was an earthquake. Whole town evacuated. Too early for a casualty count.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wolfenblu


      I am so sorry to hear this Jennifer people just going about their daily business are hurt or killed it is very sad. Sending good thoughts your way.

    3. Roana


      I'm glad you and yours weren't hurt. I agree, it's been a terrible week.

    4. doren


      Fertilizer is like a factory of explosives going up.

  24. Typically I work part time (and sporadically) from home but had to work in an out-of-town office the past week (pantyhose, heels, the whole ball of wax). Great to be back home!

    1. bluegenjutsu


      Glad you are back!

    2. jenniferw23


      Thanks, Blue. It's good to be back. I missed my RL family and my Asylum family as well.

  25. Volunteered at my daughter's school today. I love the kids, but don't think I would last a month as a teacher!

    1. Nellas


      I know that I would not. I love my kids.other people's kids.not so much.

    2. RebelRed


      I have no patience for teaching, I give props to those who can teach and do. :)

    3. Kivak


      Wolfie is a good teacher to our children and those in our family but she tried to tutor anothers child once and she said never again.

      She actually could teach but doesn't want to!

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