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  • Recent Status Updates

    • TwistedSister

      First comes Simming, then the stories start forming in your head. Next thing you know, you've got a couple chapters written down and more in the works. 🖊️
      · 3 replies
    • RedMallie

      I’m traveling by subway in Vancouver, BC!! 🌎
      · 6 replies
    • Kimi

      Revengerde would like us all to try to upload pictures the way that we used to. He may have found the issue.
      · 1 reply
    • Kimi

      Happy 4th to those of us in the USA. Have a great day!
      · 2 replies
    • MrYam  »  bluegenjutsu

      Hi, I wonder if the writing mod still working?
      · 1 reply
    • Katelinjens

      Hi Everyone,
      Just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a wonderful summer.  I don't do well with photos anymore and don't play much so tend to be busy with other things. I do think of all of you often.  My busiest thing is having joined a housing authority were I live as a Commissioner and it keeps me somewhat active which has been nice.  Also helping folks has been great. As I said above may you all have a wonderful summer!   Kate
      · 6 replies
    • Kimi

      Pictures might be a go? I hope some of you who have pics to upload will give it a whirl.
      · 5 replies
    • Kimi

      Still having picture uploading issues. If you have multiple photos, try using a hosting site such as GIFYU.
      · 0 replies
    • RedMallie

      Why is it that MM CC hair is based on game content, and yet it is significantly more appealing to the eye than the original by EAxis? *wonders while going through a download spree*
      · 3 replies
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