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Status Replies posted by Twoftmama

  1. For our Lady of the Whip and out Moderators: large supplies of chocolate bars, popcorn, ice cream, and a crate of the booze of your preference for each. Thank you for keeping our Asylum what it is!! :heart:

  2. Hi coolspear, is it Ok if I make a request? . I really like your small mod that included the "nap in bath" option to tubs and I was wondering if you could do something similar to beds? This is actually something from an old shimrod101 mod, "All Beds have the same energy". The mod had an extra bed option called "Relax/daydream", something that was supposedly in the game but never completed.


    Can put a "Relax" option to beds again with a mod?


    Like Miriah said, I sincerely thank you for all the work that you put in to make this game more enjoyable.

    1. Twoftmama


      You're very welcome! Don't worry about it. Everyone makes mistakes occasionally.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi coolspear, is it Ok if I make a request? . I really like your small mod that included the "nap in bath" option to tubs and I was wondering if you could do something similar to beds? This is actually something from an old shimrod101 mod, "All Beds have the same energy". The mod had an extra bed option called "Relax/daydream", something that was supposedly in the game but never completed.


    Can put a "Relax" option to beds again with a mod?


    Like Miriah said, I sincerely thank you for all the work that you put in to make this game more enjoyable.

    1. Twoftmama


      Nope, but that's OK. Just please don't do it again. :smile:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Did you ever re-release the mods that altered dragons & dragon buffs in Sims 3?

    1. Twoftmama


      @ZeraniLoki Questions about mods are not allowed in status updates or on people's profiles. If you have a question then you need to ask in that mod's thread. If that mod doesn't have a thread (isn't posted) then you need to PM the creator. Please read the forum rules. Thanks!



      * Do not randomly PM people asking for help, post game play related questions in Status Updates, or ask game play related questions on someone's profile. That is what the Help and Support forums are for.

          *Do not request mods, or ask questions about mods in status updates. Ask in the mods thread.



  5. Hello. I am glad you kept modding and only moved. I ma having a slight bit of trouble with this site, though. It is a bit more difficult to wander around. I actually hadn't come here too often before you moved here.so yay for them :). Anyway, I went to the hospital yesterday (in game, lol) and it took forever for the receptionist to help us, my sim was in labor and her hubby was trying to check in. I had to reset him after a while when she finally went back and the Dr finally was there ( he and the nurse were stuck outside). So I was wondering if the mod needed updating.I came here looking to download latest version.hard to find. Just an observation. Hopefully I will get better at it.


    1. Twoftmama


      @caligurl4evr Questions about mods are not allowed in status updates or on people's profiles. If you have a question then you need to ask in that mod's thread. Please read the forum rules. Thanks!



      * Do not randomly PM people asking for help, post game play related questions in Status Updates, or ask game play related questions on someone's profile. That is what the Help and Support forums are for.

          *Do not request mods, or ask questions about mods in status updates. Ask in the mods thread.



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Wondering if I could request a mod from you, @coolspear?   It was actually an idea from someone else, but I thought it would be a great mod as well.   


    Would you consider making a no autonomous drinking tea and/or coffee?


    Thank you so very much for all of your fantastic mods, I don't know what I would do without them.  Probably not play the game at all.

    1. Twoftmama


      Mod requests are not allowed here @Miriah. Please read the forum rules. Thanks!



      *Do not request mod flavors/tweaks, or ask questions about mods in status updates. Ask in the mod's thread.

      *Requests for clothing, objects, or mods are not allowed.



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hi coolspear, is it Ok if I make a request? . I really like your small mod that included the "nap in bath" option to tubs and I was wondering if you could do something similar to beds? This is actually something from an old shimrod101 mod, "All Beds have the same energy". The mod had an extra bed option called "Relax/daydream", something that was supposedly in the game but never completed.


    Can put a "Relax" option to beds again with a mod?


    Like Miriah said, I sincerely thank you for all the work that you put in to make this game more enjoyable.

    1. Twoftmama


      Mod requests are not allowed here @Lissa46. Please read the forum rules. Thanks!



      *Do not request mod flavors/tweaks, or ask questions about mods in status updates. Ask in the mod's thread.

      *Requests for clothing, objects, or mods are not allowed.



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hello, I've seen from google searches that you have a removal of pregnancy walk for The Sims Medieval but I can't find a working link to it. Is that mod still available?

    1. Twoftmama


      Gentlylovely, it's against forum rules to ask mod questions on someone's profile. You can send him a Private message and ask him there by clicking the "Message" button on the top of this page.

  9. My new computer shipped! I am so excited! Now to do the time consuming task of backing up and getting everything ready to move.

  10. Suffered a hard drive failure. Can't play the sims until I install the new one and reinstall everything.

    1. Twoftmama


      I'm sorry! That sucks! I thought you had it on 2 PCs. Nothing worse than not being able to play when you want to. Replacing a hard drive sucks too.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. My cat Katie had a day at the vets.  Started out as vaccinations, blood work and grooming. Since she is now going on 16 years old it made me nervous. She ended up needing a lump removed from behind her left front leg. She came home about 2 hours ago and is pissed at me but I am thrilled to have her back home!

  12. My cat Katie had a day at the vets.  Started out as vaccinations, blood work and grooming. Since she is now going on 16 years old it made me nervous. She ended up needing a lump removed from behind her left front leg. She came home about 2 hours ago and is pissed at me but I am thrilled to have her back home!

    1. Twoftmama


      I'm glad she's home and I hope she feels better soon! *gentle hugs for both of you*

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. I haven't played TS3 since mid December of last year. Last week I decided to check in on the boys and guess what?  Two minutes into the game it had a problem and had to close. After the third try I quit. Did my boys abandon me?  I guess I'll have to do a fresh file one of these days.

    1. Twoftmama


      Oh that sucks! I hope you can figure out the problem!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. Well, this is interesting, for sure. HUGE HUGS to TFM and ISZ for being so awesome and on top of all the questions and issues. :cookiejar:

  15. TS3 or TS4: which one to get?

    1. Twoftmama


      The babies in TS4 are like the babies in TS1 and there aren't any toddlers. If either of those is a problem for you, get TS3.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. Confessions of a sim addict: I play with headphones because I don't want my kids or husband to know how often my sims woohoo.

  17. So I ran across a folder that contained several brand new, unposted mods. Some of them need testing and Some of them are unfinished. I decided to test the ones that needed testing and post them. :D

  18. So I ran across a folder that contained several brand new, unposted mods. Some of them need testing and Some of them are unfinished. I decided to test the ones that needed testing and post them. :D

  19. Where's that hug button when you need it? TFM, this one's for you. *hug*

    1. Twoftmama


      I have no idea what I did but I'm glad I made you happy!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. Where's that hug button when you need it? TFM, this one's for you. *hug*

  21. Trying to find a compatible no meteor mod :o

    1. Twoftmama


      Ask in the WCIF section.

  22. Day 8 of the stomach flu and I am beginning to feel human. I think it's almost over!

    1. Twoftmama


      Thanks! I think I'm on the downward side. May try some food today. I've only been drinking for the last 5 days.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  23. Got my cast off finally! No weight bearing until the doc who fixed my leg says it’s okay but now I can finally have a bath, shave my legs, and itch my leg!

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