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Status Updates posted by Loralie0512

  1. I'm having a boy!!!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Loralie0512


      Thanks guys! Now to think of some names.

    3. MysteryIslandKid


      Congrats, when thinking of names, think of dreadful nicknames he could be called lol. Lots of cool names out there.

    4. MysteryIslandKid


      Congrats, when thinking of names, think of dreadful nicknames he could be called lol. Lots of cool names out there.

  2. My baby boy was born 08/09/12 at 8:16pm! My sims will have to be patient for a little while :P

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Cloudwalker


      Congratulations! I hope you didn't have to drive yourself to the hospital, then turn around in a mass of sparkles!

    3. yetyak


      Congrats!! another Leo, cool!

    4. crinrict


      Congratulations. Enjoy the little one. Sims are very patient.

  3. All the good lucks paid off! I got the promotion to Shift Lead! Yay!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Firestaar1


      Woot! Way to go!

    3. Chicken0895


      Congratulations! That's wonderful.

    4. Katelinjens


      Congratulations to You!That is great news.

  4. Ugh, someone hacked into my Origin account!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. x0101x
    3. Firestaar1


      Not cool! I hope they get it sorted for you soon! *hug*

    4. carlfatal


      I had the same a few weeks ago. But after I found a way to reach EA via phone, they helped me very kindly. I wish you the best!

  5. Upgrading to Windows 10, I hope it goes smooth. Otherwise I won't have a computer until Sunday.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SatansSprite


      It does take awhile though, I should add. I think it took a little over an hour for the full install process on my machine. Sorry for the double comment.

    3. Loralie0512


      Just like SatanSprite, I had no problems. I started my games up right after and everything worked!

    4. ClearaMorph


      Hmm, I think I will wait 2 or 3 monthes, I got rid of the things a week or so ago, I didn't like I didn't have a choice. I guess we'll see if it is all it's craked up to be or not, I'm still sceptical, about something going terribly wrong!

  6. Getting some playtime in, tomorrow is surgery and then recovery!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Loralie0512


      Thanks all! I'm recovering at home now and checking in with the iPad ;)

    3. RedMallie


      Great news!! glad to hear everything went well. :D Take it easy, ok? The ipad is nice, just make sure you rest enough. :D :D bug hugs!!!!

    4. RedMallie


      Of course, I meant BIG hugs, hehehee. I'll keep the bugs (is having a horrible flu or cold bug time)

  7. Just came back home from a five day stay at the hospital. Hit a little bit of a snag in my recovery, now to catch up on here :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Katelinjens


      May you have a complete recovery now!

    3. Firestaar1


      Hope you are on your way to a full recovery soon!

    4. InsaneInTheBrain


      Boy and I late! Glad you are okay!

  8. Is on a mission to figure out why I don't get meteors. Ever!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MadameButterfly


      I've had 2 incidents of meteors in TS3, and in TS2 I had one satellite on a couple of newlyweds. It killed the groom on their wedding night.

    3. RedMallie


      Awesome, hahahahahaha!!!!

    4. Loralie0512


      MB I had only one too in TS2, it was really random and I was left shocked! I never had one in TS3 :/

  9. Have an interview for shift lead at my job tomorrow! Ahh! I'm so nervous!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jenniferw23


      Good luck. Hope you get it.

    3. Rosewin


      Hope it went well for you Loralie!

    4. Firestaar1


      I sure hope your interview went well, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

  10. Have the entire weekend off from work and I hope to sim it up!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RedMallie


      same here, this challenge has me hooked! ;)

    3. WolfMoon


      cool I am working today but it's real quiet 2 spays and a horse not foaling. I might have to stay until the vet gets back from the rodeo

    4. RedMallie


      I hope it all went well, WolfMoon! Loralie! Hope you are having a blast! :D

  11. Will this morning sickness ever end?! :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Loralie0512


      Thanks guys! I really hate it! It's what has been keeping me away from here :( I'm hoping relief is coming soon.

    3. Rosewin


      *Hug* I hope so too Techeira.

    4. crinrict


      In some cases, yes it does when the baby is born.

  12. OMG i lost everything in my downloads folder for TS2! I hope I held onto that back up :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfenblu


      Oh no, runs to back hers up!

    3. Loralie0512


      Thanks everyone! I did, well the important stuff anyway. I guess I did want to reorganize my hair folder after all. Lol!

    4. Firestaar1


      Man that really sucks Tacheira, I'm glad you have some of your stuff *hug*

  13. I cant believe I'll finally be meeting little man in 3 weeks! Its gone by so fast!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Loralie0512


      Not long at all! @Nyxie we are still struggling with a name, I'm starting to feel the pressure because he's almost here!

    3. Twoftmama
    4. Nyxie


      It's my opinion that boy names are harder. It seems like there are so many girls names and just a few great boys names. Good luck!

  14. Ah!! Had a good play session and it froze!! Why oh why didn't I save?!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cloudwalker


      trick for freezes: on PC, go to task menu, click processes and end, BUT don't end. Sometimes this jars your game back to life

    3. Loralie0512


      You are so right Rose! @cloudwalker oh I tried, it didn't work.

    4. Katelinjens


      That's why I use Twallan's Saver mod. I get so caught up in what the sims are doing I would forget how long it had been since I last saved.

  15. Bought a new car seat and installed it all by myself! Haha accomplishments.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SatansSprite


      We have some program or something where we can go to ours and have them help but it's not required.

    3. michalien


      Glad you love it and enjoy in it.

    4. Wolfenblu


      Same here SS, luckily our youngest is heavy enough not to need one the dang thing is a pain when you have 5 people in the family and two vehicles, you always have to take it out of Kivaks car thing and put it in the truck.

  16. I cant believe its been a whole year since I had my wondeful little baby. Why must time go by so fast?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rosewin


      Wow, time has certainly flown. Happy Birthday to you little one.

    3. Firestaar1


      Oh it seems like just yesterday you were telling us you were expecting! Happy Birthday to your little one!

    4. Loralie0512


      Thank you everyone! He did have an amazing birthday!

  17. Hates being sick!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bluegenjutsu


      I hope you get better soon!

    3. Drizzit


      Hope you feel better soon!

    4. Loralie0512


      Thanks everyone! I'm finally starting to feel better.

  18. Hates being sick! :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tessalion13


      Eck! *sends virtual tea and soup*

    3. Loralie0512


      Aww thanks! I think I'm feeling better already!

    4. MysteryIslandKid


      Me too, sends soup since I am a family Sim

  19. With the combination of complete-your-set and daily deal, I got the May 2012 set for free!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tessalion13
    3. veiledstar


      I got a set today for 5 simpoints with the complete your set. I forget which one. Congrats on yours!

    4. Loralie0512


      Thanks guys! I'm hoping to score another one cheap soon!

  20. I don't know what to do today. Do I want to play Sims 2,3 or 4? Oh the decisions!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Signy


      All have pretties too.

    3. michalien


      take each of them for an hour if you can

    4. Wolfenblu


      I will always vote for 2, but what ever you play will bring entertainment.

  21. I had a bunch of pictures ready for Olive and now they're gone! Excuse me while I go cry in the corner :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Katelinjens


      I am sorry you lost the pictures! *hug*

    3. Rosewin


      Arg! I know that feeling. *hug*

    4. RedMallie


      Sorry to hear about your pictures, Loralie!!! :(

  22. Finally feeling better, or at least enough to sim again. Thanks everyone for the well wishes!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bluegenjutsu


      Glad you are feeling better!

    3. Nellas


      So happy to hear that you are feeling better!

    4. RedMallie


      Good to hear you are feeling good enough to play again! Take care!

  23. I'm bummed, my Sims 2 isn't working for some reason :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Loralie0512


      I did remember to clear those and I think I may have gotten it to work. Fingers crossed!

    3. Katelinjens


      I am keeping my fingers crossed that your game works now!

    4. RedMallie


      Fingers crossed for your game to work, Loralie!

  24. Today will be my first day back at work :( I'm not ready for all the stress again!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nixicole


      Take it easy, or do what I do and eat Kitkats! ;) Good luck!

    3. RedMallie


      I hope it was not too stressing. Make sure you sleep and rest well tonight.

    4. Loralie0512


      Thanks everyone! It went okay, no problems! Yay!

  25. Finally getting a new graphics card!

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